Lost browser


3 Sep 2011
After I've installed 1.9.2. on my Defy the original browser disappeared from the "desktop" of my phone. I can see it in the application manager but it doesn't work. I've tried to search on the web with the dedicated button but it failed.
Any ideas? :cool:
I downloaded a Dolphin browser but I miss the original one.
Sometimes just rebooting fixes that. Use a file manager (linda or root manager) to see if the Browser.apk is in the /system/app folder.
I have heard of strange occurances where the browser has ended up under another app on the screen and by moving an app or two it is there. I have never had that happen, but have read where others have experienced it on the forums. Short of that, I would redownload and reflash the rom.
found it or not?

I found it but I can't launch it. It's still there but unable to open it. Do you think if I reinstall the update package it will help?
Other: The haptic feedback is checked in the settings menu and the keyboard vibration is also checked but the phone is not vibrate when I'm typing. Idea?
I have had the vibrate not work from time to time on some builds. Not sure what to do with that.

When I end up with odd occurances or problems, My solution is to make sure my apps are backed up with titanium backup, and then wipe everything 3x and re download and re-flash the rom. Then I add the apps back (apps only not the data) from titanium and see if that corrects the problem. Sometimes downloads are bad, sometimes updates pick up a bug. Usually that works unless the bug is in the current rom build. If that is the case, I have a pretty extensive set of nandroid backups and I flash back to one that was working well and wait for next weeks release.