Invalid Lost widevine L1 again after renewal on Mi 9 after some time

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4 Jun 2018
Today, 10 hours ago I got a new L1 certificate on my Mi9 via fingerprint payments. Unfortunately the widevine status changed from L1 back to L3. I'm also unable to download a new certificate. When trying to download the new certificate, the error code 1 pops up
Make a log while trying to request a key, then upload somewhere and send me a link in private.
Download to your PC:
Connect your device, extract that ZIP, open the command prompt, browse to the platform-tools folder and enter:
adb logcat > log.txt

Logcat entrys including wide. I've DMd you the whole logfile.
You must have installed something that broke the Widevine on a deep level. Some Magisk module perhaps, or flashed some ZIP.

The important part is here:
[06-04 22:10:48.637 1006:19556 I/QCOM-OEMCrypto]

[06-04 22:10:48.637 1006:19556 E/QSEECOMAPI]
Error::send command ioctl failed. ret = -1, errno = 22

[06-04 22:10:48.637 1006:19556 E/QCOM-OEMCrypto]
Error at trusted_app_get_api_version : 472

[06-04 22:10:48.637 1006:19556 E/QCOM-OEMCrypto]
TA Result : 10 OEMCryptoResult : 1

[06-04 22:10:48.637 1006:19556 E/QCOM-OEMCrypto]
Error at _oecc01 : 110

[06-04 22:10:48.637 1006:19556 I/QCOM-OEMCrypto]
LibOEMCrypto version 1.30

[06-04 22:10:48.637 1006:19556 I/QCOM-OEMCrypto]
TA   version 0.0

[06-04 22:10:48.637 1006:19556 I/QCOM-OEMCrypto]
Api  version 0.0

[06-04 22:10:48.637 1006:19556 E/WVLib]
initializate oemcrypto fail

[06-04 22:10:48.637 1006:19556 D/MTService]
This device support widevine l1, but keybox check error
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