Many important suggestion (please say all of these to miui devs) (Updated 02.11.11)


4 Jul 2011
Underline are very important

-launcher: choose icon dimension
-launcher: fix empty space in the top zone (for widgets)
-launcher: option for totally hide apps
-launcher: horizontal scroll circular
-launcher: widget for enable/disable lockscreen
-launcher: make folders opening from top screen, and close it by clicking in the bottom zone where there isn't the folder (copy this from golauncher ex)
-launcher: make folders scrollable horizontally (like golauncher ex)
-launcher: swipe down for open notification bar

-launcher: custom highlight color of home screen icon

-browser: more colour themes
-browser: add finger gestures

-notification bar: make a option for retreat the notif bar after choosing a widget from it
-notification bar: totally disable lockscreen by pressing lockscreen widget in notif bar (lockscreen switch on/off instead the one that there is now that only enable it)
-notification bar: add data sync (android sync) switch on/off ADDED
-notification bar: add sd card mount as widget in widget grid view
-notification bar: option for don't disable wifi when go to flight mode

-sms: when disable lockscreen (with external programs) the display won't go on when i receive a sms

-calendar: show popup (like sms popup) for reminders of appointments instead of notification bar message
-calendar: add today/tomorrow/1week buttons when selecting date of appointments

-calls: when receive a lost call, after unlock the phone create a popup preview (like sms popup)

-phone dialer: make a option for open contacts instead phone dial when i press the green call physical button

-gallery: automatically detect folders with images and create a option for exclude folders from scanning
-gallery: option for fit to screen images that has low resolution
-gallery: create cache for previews (for make images navigation faster) ADDED
-gallery: current previews has poor quality (maybe creating caches can solve this) ADDED
-gallery: add mp4 and other video formats (like adding ffdshow codec support)

-file explorer: make a options for: hide top tabs, show sdcard tab at the open, remember multiple selection, and also make a button for exit from the program
-file explorer: make the files options in the bottom to fit perfectly horizontally (select all go out at the right)
-file explorer: thin scroll bar

-backup: make backup settings for firewall, superuser and facebook favorited contacts and many stock miui programs PARTIALLY ADDED
-backup: ability to backup apps with date and time of last backup in the current backup list (like titanium backup)
-backup: ability to backup system apps
-backup: ability to choose the type of backup (only data, only app, or both)

-lockscreen: playing music the wallpaper became totally black, fix this
-lockscreen: playing music option for disable the equalizer bar
-lockscreen: support poweramp album art
-lockscreen: delete that bip sound when i press a music control during listening music
-lockscreen: using miui music need better visualizations of mp3 tags (like Artist: Song: Album: )

-firewall: disable 3g by default in all new installed programs ADDED

-hardkeys: create hardkeys options (for example enable/disable wifi or open a program by pressing for some seconds call, call end or search keys etc.)

-camera: add light/high HDR and possible other effects
-camera: 16:9 pictures options

-rotation: enable rotation (also when is disabled( for specific programs like camera (enabled by default), gallery or thirdy party programs

-miui weather: support for european users

-music: in built lastfm scrobbling support or simple lastfm support SIMPLE LAST FM SUPPORT ADDED BY SOFTWARE DEV
-music: download album art and lyrics from google servers to sd automatically
-music: associate album arts tags to their real album name in jpg for album art view
-music: skins with other colours than white&grey
-music: option for open album/artists/songs or folders at the start
-music: option for visualize subfolders albums in their correct folder (in folders section)
-music: sort artists, folder and songs by track number in the tag or by filename in folders (without visualize .mp3 extension)
-music: sort albums by artists
-music: albums are doubled (fix)

-music: option for don't open album art view when click on a song
-music: visualize always the seek bar in the bottom bar instead only in album art view

-music: visualize year by tag in the bottom bar

-titanium backup: fix white interface problem (can't read text)

-poweramp: fix seeking bar graphix problem
- Music: Add more visualization spectrum like TTpod for Symbian. Also fullscreen visualization.
- Music: Repeat A-B (for learning languages).
- Camera: Full screen video capture for Milestone.
- Phone: Call recorder for Milestone.
- Launcher: Multi-select icons for rearrangement purpose.
Let me have a choice which agenda-app i want to use. (ability to choose a default agenda/calendar/view)
In SMS app, national support to get 160 letters instead 70. Go SMS and others apps have it, also original Samsung SMS app...

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk