MI 11i battery drain by "Other"


Mar 2, 2023
Hello, this is the battery graph of my daily use on MI 11i with basic apps like whatsapp and facebook. Situation has been the same since the day I bought the phone but I was patiently waiting to see will MIUI 14 fix it but it didn't. I should have returned it the very fast day I bought it. I didnt expect 700 euro phone will have faulty software or battery out of the box. I have to turn on airplane mode during night since if I don't "Other" will drain 50% battery overnight, also I can't reach the end of the day without charging. Overall phone is not useable and I am wondering is there an battery upgrade that I can install by myself? I had to install battery monitor and it reports that under kernel wakelocks, "RMNET_DFC" is constantly waking up the phone, there is nothing about it on google besides mentions on some other forums for other manufacturers. I even tried to root while i was on miui 13, installed all sorts of kernel optimization and battery savers but neither stopped rmnet_dfc. Now I got miui 14 and both twrp and magisk have been deleted automaticly so I dont plan to go trough the whole process again.
My Mi 11i cost 299 € over a year ago... Nevertheless I don't have that kind of drain, "Other" shows about 14%.