Invalid Mi 8 screenshot and play store bug

Little Snow

23 Feb 2019
Device: Xiaomi Mi8
Version: MIUI 11 9.10.11

I can't take a screenshot when using the power + volume down combination. Though, I can screenshot using 3 finger swipe.
Edit: looks like I screenshot when holding the buttons for 1s

There's also a bug when downloading apps on play store. Progress is not shown and only shows the preparation(loading) before download starts. Play store also shows waiting for download... Though it's like this, it still download's in the background and install properly. It also takes a while for download to begin, so I think this is also a bug.


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For the download, same here on Mi9 so not specific to Mi8 I think.


Solved by deleting all data frmo application Google Play / Play Services and Downloads (both apps) then rebooted.
Will see if it still occurs through the week.
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We're not responsible for how Google apps work. That could be related to anything, and most likely on Google side.