Mi10 Ultra magisk module bootloop


31 Oct 2020
hello guys, I ****ed up, I installed a potentially dangerous magisk module on my Mi 10 Ultra (last miui 13) and as expected it ended in a bootloop on MI logo... tried to flash last weekly again but nothing changed, normally I would manually delete that module from TWRP but it doesnt't work on Android 12... I feel the dumbest guy in the world at the moment because I am going to loose months of important data... the only thing I think I could try to recover it is to flash FIRST Mi10 ultra rom with fastboot (miui12/android 10), hope to get access to twrp again, delete that modules and hope to save my phone... what do you think? any ideas? jeez what an idiot I am......
On TWRP just rename you magisk.apk/zip to uninstall.zip and install it. It will remove entirely Magisk and normally fix your bootloop.

If it's fixed, you could flash magisk again, no problem
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On TWRP just rename you magisk.apk/zip to uninstall.zip and install it. It will remove entirely Magisk and normally fix your bootloop.

If it's fixed, you could flash magisk again, no problem
but twrp isn't working on Android 12....
ok maybe you can give this a try.
Extract from rom boot.img and paste it on the same folder as your extracted ROM on PC.
Boot in fastboot
fastboot flash boot boot.img

Sent from my M2007J1SC using Tapatalk
so restoring first Mi 10 Ultra rom didn't solve anything... I flashed again last MIUI 13 rom and with TWRP 3.6.0 I am able to access adb folder and delete magisk modules but system still not booting... at this point I only want to recover my personal filesa... I know they are still there because from TWRP I see sdcard still empty but the available space is shown correct (36/256gb)... any idea?
UPDATE: from TWRP 3.6.0 file manager if I browse to /data/media/0 I can see all my personal files, they are there!! but if I enable MTP from my PC to copy them I can see only TWRP folder that correspond to /data/media/skkk... what can I do to grab them??
UPDATE: from TWRP 3.6.0 file manager if I browse to /data/media/0 I can see all my personal files, they are there!! but if I enable MTP from my PC to copy them I can see only TWRP folder that correspond to /data/media/skkk... what can I do to grab them??
Did you try what I post above? to flash original boot.img?
I'm pretty sure you will manage to boot normally and delete the defective module from magisk

Sent from my M2007J1SC using Tapatalk
Did you try what I post above? to flash original boot.img?
I'm pretty sure you will manage to boot normally and delete the defective module from magisk

Sent from my M2007J1SC using Tapatalk
man I already deleted magisk modules from TWRP and about boot.img it get replaced every time you flashed a rom, I already flashed 3 different weekly at this moment, so thats not the way unluckly
man I already deleted magisk modules from TWRP and about boot.img it get replaced every time you flashed a rom, I already flashed 3 different weekly at this moment, so thats not the way unluckly
Try something else then.
Push magisk.apk to your phone....Rename it to uninstall.zip and install the zip. It will completely remove magisk

Sent from my M2007J1SC using Tapatalk
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UPDATE: from TWRP 3.6.0 file manager if I browse to /data/media/0 I can see all my personal files, they are there!! but if I enable MTP from my PC to copy them I can see only TWRP folder that correspond to /data/media/skkk... what can I do to grab them??
UPDATE 2: I managed to save my file... I moved /data/media/0 to /data/media/skkk so now I can access and copy them from my PC... biggest pain solved
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so files are safe now... before wiping everything I'd like to try to make device to boot again... the bootloop was caused by my attempt to use LuckyPatcher to install MIUI Alpha Launcher as system apk (yes I am an idiot I know)... from TWRP I removed magisk modules, I uninstalled Magisk, I deleted all LuckyPatcher files, wiped cache & dalvik and flashed last weekly again... what could be the bootloop cause so?