New Mi5s 8.4.26 - USB DEAD (only slow charge)


25 Jun 2018
Hi all,

I'm loosing my head for a few days trying to get out of the mud i'm stuck.
I was using an version of feb/18 and everything was ok until i had the AWESOME ideia of updating to the last version available, the 8.4.26 rom.
After i flashed it in twrp i noticed that the quick charge was not working, only the normal one (300ma in Ampere app). I thought it was my charger/cable and i did some tests with another 4 charges i have and 5 different cables i use. None of them made the quick charge come back.
So I thought to tdo a clean install to see if maybe that way it would fix my phone, but another surprise happened to me.
I trid to do a backup but my PC didn't recognize my phone. It was like my phone wasnt connected to my PC. Nothing on device manager, no sound, etc. but weirdly my phone was slow charging so some current was passing through the usb port. I looked at the usb debugging and it was activated, looked at usb config and MTP was selected, switched between charge and MTP to see if anything happened but i didn't had luck.
So until now, my usb was slow charging and it was like my phone connected to any usb port of my computer was nothing. I did the backup using ftp through wifi.
Then i thought that maybe if pass a stock stable rom that would fix all of this. I downloaded the MI5SGlobal V9.5.2.0 stable rom. Flashed recovery through TWRP and surprise: it didn't fixed my usb.
So thought to try some custom roms, maybe it was a kernel issue, i don't know. I went to the updater app and clicked on "reboot recovery" and another surprise: I lost TWRP, some kind of stock recovery from Xiaomi appeared with 3 options: wipe, reboot and connect misuite. I searched every where for a solution for this. I'm stuck i a stable with slow charge (5hrs to charge 0% to 100%), no root (i couln't find a way to root without a pc), no TWRP, no USB connection to my pc. I'm lost right now. I need some new ideas to fix this.
I need to root again my phone, to install flashify and install TWRP through it. I need to install an old ROM to see if its a kernel issue.
Thanks everyone that got here. Sry about my english.
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Reactions: bastoun420
Hi Bastoun420, good to know that i'm not crazy. There is another guy with the same problem as ours. I msged him to know if he found a fix for this
had a problem like this on mi5. it was a stupid issue actually, because it happened because of the accumulated dust inside the usb port.
it didn't look dirty at first, but when I started cleaning it with the sim ejector and a flashlight, a lot of dust came out.

give it a try
ok, so just to make sure that the physical contact isn't the problem..
does the cable go all the way in? (the plastic of the cable should be touching the phone - case/bumper removed).
I found another guy with the same issue in the brazilian forum... he installed the 8.4.27 on his Mi5x and now he lost access to his pc and his phone only charges when he restart his phone.
try hp elitebook 850 g2 on fedora 26 i can't explain for what but with this computer my phone work
All machines I've tried have windows... My computer from work is a hp elitebook 8470. I have at my disposal the hp z420 and hp 8300. Neighter of those pc's recognized my phone. I bought the usb flex of my phone. I'll install it tomorrow to see if it is my usb port that have an issue.
I just updated to the latest rom and now my Mi5 also no longer fast charges!

I know its not the cable or charger as it was fast charging right before I updated, and now right after I updated fast charging no longer works!!
Its weird because I see the fast charging symbol in the top corner but the phone only charges very slowly.

Not sure how to fix it.