One theme display bug


18 Feb 2011
I enjoy theming MIUI. While doing so I notice a few bugs. These have been present on my Nexus One for the last three releases. That's all the experience I have on MIUI. I'm running 1.2.25 now.

I'm curious if I'm the only one experiencing these things or of other people do as well.

First up, folder icons and folders in general are not changing in themes. They are staying stock. Same with the toolbar (with the handle) at the top of edit mode. The built in Happy New Year theme is a good example. I can take that theme apart and see the .png files are included, but they don't show up when I start up the theme.

ny1.jpg ny2.jpg ny3.jpg

Does anybody else see the same problem, or does the Happy New Year theme work OK for you?
One more theme bug - very minor

One more bug is an icon display problem. In the Default theme there are certain icons that display. If I make a blank theme with only black wallpaper, I get different icons! Most are from the Default, some seem to be from the Round Icons theme. I don't know why this happens.

default1.jpg blank1.jpg
default2.jpg blank2.jpg

Again, does anybody else see this? I know it's obscure and not all that important. If you want to go to the trouble of checking, I have attached a theme you can download. Just change the .zip to .mtz and put it in the appropriate directory on your SD card.

View attachment
The theme engine seems to be changing a lot from week to week. They recently changed the folder structures that get used, and a lot of themes aren't completely compatible. Plus, I think Mark's UI updates might be breaking, or at least changing, the way folders, the dialer, sms, etc. get themed. You might have to pm him or just play around with the themes.

As for the discrepancy in icons in the blank theme, I noticed that the theme engine defaults to the rounded icons when none are present. If you open up the rounded icons theme, you'll see the icons.
The theme engine seems to be changing a lot from week to week. They recently changed the folder structures that get used, and a lot of themes aren't completely compatible. Plus, I think Mark's UI updates might be breaking, or at least changing, the way folders, the dialer, sms, etc. get themed.
Thanks again! This info helped me get on the right track. The new 1.3.4 release fixed the folder window problem, and some good info from stiffspliff in the following thread helped me better understand the changes.