Partition Layouts


12 Feb 2015
Hi All,

I started this thread mainly for developers. Here can be discussed the different partition layouts of Mi2S.
Nowadays there can be more layouts, original, different types of merged, new MIUI and it 16GB and 32GB versions.
It would be nice to find a partition scheme which compatible with all of the ROMs.

Anyone may post the used partition layout of his device.
Please post the following info:
- device type 16GB/32GB
- used ROM
- partition layout with parted (please use: "unit s" then "print")

best regards, Gabor
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Not better get partitions from Terminal Emulator and use df as root, so :
su -
And then post results?

Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI

I think it's not enough. You can use parted from the attched .zip.
Please do the following steps after booted in recovery:
$adb push parted_static /tmp/
$adb shell

# chmod 755 /tmp/parted_static
# /tmp/parted_static /dev/block/mmcblk0

unit s

thank you, Gabor


    174.1 KB · Views: 320
Device: Mi 2 32 GB

ROM: Stable MIUI V7.0.4.0.LXACNCI (MIUI7) with merged data and system partition (I had installed latest dev ROM via fastboot before)

parted print output:

Model: MMC SEM32G (sd/mmc)
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 61071360s
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt

Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 34s 348193s 348160s fat16 modem
2 348194s 349217s 1024s sbl1
3 349218s 350241s 1024s sbl2
4 350242s 352289s 2048s sbl3
5 352290s 354337s 2048s rpm
6 354338s 356385s 2048s tz
7 356386s 357409s 1024s DDR
8 357410s 365601s 8192s aboot
9 365602s 367649s 2048s misc
10 367650s 373489s 5840s logo
11 373490s 375049s 1560s m9kefs1
12 375050s 376609s 1560s m9kefs2
13 376610s 376611s 2s m9kefsc
14 376612s 393215s 16604s bk1
15 393216s 394775s 1560s m9kefs3
16 394776s 524287s 129512s bk2
17 524288s 585727s 61440s boot
18 585728s 616447s 30720s recovery
19 616448s 638975s 22528s bk3
20 638976s 655359s 16384s ext4 persist
21 655360s 2752511s 2097152s ext4 system
22 2752512s 3538943s 786432s ext4 cache
23 3538944s 61071326s 57532383s ext4 userdata