[Ported but]Problem with 540 x 960 Resolution


12 Mar 2013
Hello guys I have recently port a miui V5 to my Xperia P and despite all that FC's that fixed I still have phone.apk problem (which is smali problem and should be solve by myself) and also I have Resolution problems!!!
My device have a 540 x 960 Resolution so I have port it using patchrom with hdpi resolution!
Should I have to port with XHDPI Resolution?
thnx in advance for your answer ;-)
Common guys I just need some patched file from miui V5 framework-miui-res.apk that has been optimized for 960X540 resolutions!
Is that so hard to find?!
Please tell me if you found anything!
yes, it is hard to find, since there is no official MIUI for 960x540.
One of the issues is the theming.
You can try another theme from the Xiaomi theme market.
Some are better to work at 240 dpi.
I am currently looking for a theme, used it on my SGN II.
If you find a nice one (preferrably blue :) ),please share.
iphone 7 dialer theme works for me.
It just has a chinese dialer button.
You might want to take a look at that theme file to bake your own.
Sharing is appreciated, I have no clue how to mod for different resolution, I would be finished then :)