Redmi note 9 "Joyeuse" EOS ??


19 Oct 2019
Hello everyone.
I read online that the EOL has arrived for the 'Redmi Note Family'... So also for my 9ProEU, unfortunately... :emoji_anguished:
I currently have V14.0.3.0.SJZMIXM (, obviously): can you by any chance tell me or do you rightly believe that it is the last version to be released?? :emoji_fingers_crossed:
Thank you so much for your attention !
This is guaranteed support. Xiaomi may extend it for some devices.
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[Sorry for the double-posting]

Instead, from HERE it would seem that Xiaomi has 'removed' Joyeuse from the EOS list a couple of months ago...
In fact, depending on what sources are found, and how updated\informed they are, in fact Joyeuse 'may or may NOT be on that (Black)List'.
Um... So... We'll see?!? :emoji_confused: