Replace internal memory by SD card

Please replace the first zip with the right one for v5..

sent from HTC One using tapatalk
Tell us in the most simple way how to do it
But now replace vold.fstab and change permissions is for a lot difficult enough
if i'm not making any mistake the volb.stab path is in /system/etc/vold.fstab. copy the original file somewhere safe and replace the modified volb.stab with the original if there are any problems
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"vold.fstab in the folder system /etc..." Where do we find this particular folder? Can't find system even.. My phone was rooted but by someone else before me..
"vold.fstab in the folder system /etc..." Where do we find this particular folder? Can't find system even.. My phone was rooted but by someone else before me..
Use Root Explorer. But first I would clarify if you stay with your current ROM before potentially screwing up your system...
Hi MikeIFuchs, thanks for the reply.. I've rooted my phone, did a recovery and finally re flashed my phone.. Wanted to install miui multi stable 5 but seems that it always hits error.. Then i tried miui multi 3 and it worked.. i don't know why but it worked.. First time root..
There is also a ultimate rom availible from sta-s2z. It is a fantastic rom with all options installed, also the option were you want to install your apps by default.
I use it now for 2 weeks as my daily driver and everything works perfect exept for a little crackling sound when filming a video.
I uploaded orginal vold.fstab file .. hope to works for you;)


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hi . i replase the file and set the premissions. nothing change. i have a hongmi with the v5 latest stable version.
probably i also change by mistake the premisions in the vold.fstab.nand file. now its rw-r-r--. can you tell me if is the right one? thank you
hi . i replase the file and set the premissions. nothing change. i have a hongmi with the v5 latest stable version.
probably i also change by mistake the premisions in the vold.fstab.nand file. now its rw-r-r--. can you tell me if is the right one? thank you
You need to Restart the phone
I already rebbot the phone. Can you please tell me the permissions for the vold.fstab.nand file?
I already rebbot the phone. Can you please tell me the permissions for the vold.fstab.nand file?
What you want do with Vold.fstab file?? and which android version you have installed on your phone?
if you want replace SD Card storage to your phone storage download first uploaded file from page 1 .. otherwise if you want your phone back to default download and replace my file uploaded (page 2)
Permission for the file :
Replace file vold.fstab in the folder system /etc and set permissions to rw-r--r-- then reboot your phone...
hi this is the first time i write in forum, i believe im correct on this, please advise if im wrong in the guide.

1) root your device thus you granted access to view system file and edit
2) copy vold.fstab in system /etc and rename the original as old.vold.fstab in case you edit wrongly.
3) change the mount device sequence in vold.fstab file from

dev_mount sdcard /storage/sdcard0 emmc@fat /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 /devices/platform/mtk-msdc.0/mmc_host
dev_mount sdcard2 /storage/sdcard1 auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.1 /devices/platform/mtk-msdc.1/mmc_host

to this, basically swapping the A to B and B to A.

dev_mount sdcard /storage/sdcard1 auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 /devices/platform/mtk-msdc.1/mmc_host
dev_mount sdcard2 /storage/sdcard0 auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.1 /devices/platform/mtk-msdc.1/mmc_host

4) set permission to the file to rw-r--r-- which is chmod 644 vold.fstab in unix command or if there are any software that allow you to change permission using GUI please use it.
5) save and reboot phone.
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is this method work for Redmi Gsm model? and is this Vold.fstab work for Gsm Redmi as well?

thanks and Regards

hi this is the first time i write in forum, i believe im correct on this, please advise if im wrong in the guide.

1) root your device thus you granted access to view system file and edit
2) copy vold.fstab in system /etc and rename the original as old.vold.fstab in case you edit wrongly.
3) change the mount device sequence in vold.fstab file from

to this, basically swapping the A to B and B to A.

4) set permission to the file to rw-r--r-- which is chmod 644 vold.fstab in unix command or if there are any software that allow you to change permission using GUI please use it.
5) save and reboot phone.
[Цитата = "Ип, сообщение: 199338, членом: 100558"] это метод работы для редми Gsm модели? и это Vold.fstab работа для Gsm редми, а?

Спасибо и уважением
Ип [/ цитата]
Метод работает, только теперь при включении камеры телефон просит " вставте sd card", а так всё работает.
help me.. i have a 16gb sd card.. i tried to revert back to default using the ori file uploaded here but now my sd card become 822mb and my phone storage become 16gb.. how to make my sd card back to 16gb?
edit the vold.fstab file and change the parameter back to

dev_mount sdcard /storage/sdcard0 emmc@fat /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 /devices/platform/mtk-msdc.0/mmc_host
dev_mount sdcard2 /storage/sdcard1 auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.1 /devices/platform/mtk-msdc.1/mmc_host
is this method work for Redmi Gsm model? and is this Vold.fstab work for Gsm Redmi as well?

thanks and Regards

i believe this will work, because you are only touching the mounting file (system read this to set which SDcard is primary), have no effect on SG model or CN model etc.
but you need to root your device first, i have not try rooting yet as i gotten it yesterday. the firmware is different for SG model and CN model, which the primary difference is that SG model include installed playstore, google services etc while CN model have to install this from their store. i might be wrong here as all these info are gathered during the past 1 week.
thanks for replying Alango. i havent rooting yet as i havent get my SD card. btw can you share what is the different between emmc@fat and auto? is it ok we dont change it? and will it performance impact ?
i read from google, they said emmc@fat is something SD partition drive.

i believe this will work, because you are only touching the mounting file (system read this to set which SDcard is primary), have no effect on SG model or CN model etc.
but you need to root your device first, i have not try rooting yet as i gotten it yesterday. the firmware is different for SG model and CN model, which the primary difference is that SG model include installed playstore, google services etc while CN model have to install this from their store. i might be wrong here as all these info are gathered during the past 1 week.
edit the vold.fstab file and change the parameter back to

dev_mount sdcard /storage/sdcard0 emmc@fat /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 /devices/platform/mtk-msdc.0/mmc_host
dev_mount sdcard2 /storage/sdcard1 auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.1 /devices/platform/mtk-msdc.1/mmc_host
like i just said i used the 2nd page uploaded vold.fstab which is the original one and i do checked the parameter and its just the same as above..

so... any solution?