New Rn3pro: Sip Defect, Csipsimple/sipdroid Pop-up Not Allowable


Jul 28, 2016
Hi All,
a few days ago i flashed MIUI8 6.7.21 (5.1.1) on my RedmiNote3Pro 3/32 and tried to use Sip from

Internal Phone App did not connect stable and some options were missing (f.e. "Ask to use sip for every call"
So i tried to use Csipsimple and Sipdroid which worked pretty well on older devices/roms.

I also figured out how to tell the internal battery optimizer to let them run in the background but i was not able to find out how to allow pop-ups for them as the permission manager seems to not detect their pop-up ability which they need to integrate in the phone app.
But their pop-ups are blocked so im not able to do cell-calls while any of them is installed.

Any Ideas for a workaround? Maybe someone knows how to disable pop-up blocking completely?