Slow TimePicker scrollers inside a ScrollView


5 Jun 2011

My app (Llama) uses two time pickers in a vertical ScrollView. MIUI's scroller implentation is "slow" at scrolling in this case. It looks like the TimePicker and ScrolllView fight over the ontouch events and both of them ignore it, making it look like it is difficult to move the time pickers.

To reproduce it:
-Download and install Llama from the market (it's free)
-Go to the events tab, and press the + button
-Add a Condition and choose Time Between
-Attempt to scroll the time pickers.

Some other info:
The time pickers are in a scrollable view so that small screen devices can still use them
When in landscape mode, the timepickers are placed in a HorizontalScrollView and the TimePickers scroll normally.

I'd appreciate any help with this. Thanks
I've got the same problem with the national rail app, trying to select a time using the scroll wheel is very slow. Using the same wheel for selecting alarm time in stock clock app is fine though.

Sent from my HTC Desire using the Forums App
Ah good, so it's not just my crappy coding causing the problem :D

Is there a bug tracker for MIUI, or are these forums 'official' enough? Ta!
There is an official bug tracker of sort but I'm not sure where, you could pm mark to see if he can help?
Ah good, so it's not just my crappy coding causing the problem :D

Is there a bug tracker for MIUI, or are these forums 'official' enough? Ta!

Sent from my HTC Desire using the Forums App
Sorry for reviving the dead, but can this please be fixed? Still happening in 1.8.5
Sorry for necroposting, but it still hasn't fixed. I'm having trouble with it on several different apps (astrid, wunderlist, tasker) and it's quite frustrating. Has there been any word on this? If there's a more official way of reporting bugs, I'd gladly go through the trouble...

Edit: there quite a few others with this problem and no solutions have been offered thus far:

Does anybody here use MIUI-Au? There seems to be a date/time picker mod mentioned here: I'm not sure if it is a fix for this problem or not.
I also suffer from this issue in several apps, it is impossible to convince the picker to increment and de-increment.

Astrid (works fine in alarm, but not in deadline time)
Wunderlist (works fine in due date, but not in reminder, where inside scrollers, screen just goes up and down)
Llama (in place mentioned above)

This is very frustrating as it makes quite workable software useless. I really like the scrolling date and time picker when it works.

Moto Defy 1.10.8 (also tested with 1.9.30 and 1.9.23 and 1.9.16 with same result)
I am happy to report that 1.10.14 solves this really annoying bug. ;-)
I can confirm this! It works in wunderlist, tasker and astrid for me now.

However, I'd like to point out that when you use 24-hour format, the graphics are kind of cut off on the right side of the wheels (as if the third wheel was missing). Minor issue. I'm just really happy it's working.