Resolved SMS-Lockscreen issue

Which SMS app do you prefer ?

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19 Nov 2011
My Device : Xiaomi M1
ROM Version : v2.4.6 (ICS)

I have posted this issue in the lockscreen translation thread, thinking it might be a lockscreen issue, but I guess it has something to do with the framework mods or default app configurations, so I am re-posting it here, to have more people look at it. May be there are others who are facing the same problem like I do.

The new ICS circle is a great lock screen and I think the untranslated version comes default with v4 - 2.4.6 for Mi-One. I am using this and its really cool.

I would like to get one nagging issue addressed in this interface. I prefer using Go SMS Pro (messaging app) for its functionality & features like private inbox, security settings & online sms support. However, while i use GoSMS pro as default, it opens when i slide to unlock directly into go sms pro (by changing lockscreen shortcut to default go sms) but after viewing or deleting the new sms, the notification on the lock screen still remains (It shows up in chinese, but whatever be the language, it shuoldnt be showing up actually, since the sms is read in Go SMS app already)!

I think that notification still reads data from the stock messaging app which is not getting updated ? Can it be made to read the updated status from the app that is set as default for sms ? In my case, it will be go sms pro. I hope it is not a huge thing i am asking for. It is really little annoying to keep having the lockscreen tell you 2 or some unread messages r pending (when you actually read those already). It also displays the new messages on the lockscreen which it wouldn't if it knows the sms is not unread anymore !

can this be done ? It would be a great help actually for ppl using other than stock msging app.

Another interesting workaround could be, adding the privacy & security features of go sms pro into miui sms app :)
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