Suggestion-Provide both original and your icon packs


Tsim Pouki

You've added a lot of options that dont exist in official roms, i'd like it if you could add this too
For the last time, we don't take suggestions, the ROMs are provided as-is, any changes are within our sole discretion.
For the last time, we don't take suggestions, the ROMs are provided as-is, any changes are within our sole discretion.
I understand and i respect that, that's why my suggestion is not to change something, but to add the official icon pack for everyone to have an option. For example, you could set yours as default (named for eg. icons) and give the official pack as you provide Rhodium, Classic and Limitless with a different name like original icon pack. This way, we are all happy. Of course it's just my opinion. I would just flash a module that sets the original but nothing that i've tried worked.. And i can't manually change the files becaue the system partition can't be mounted
Read again what I wrote, then again and again until it sinks in.
I understand what you said. Since you don't want to add it, do you know any other ways to use the original icons? Anything that i could download? I've read everything about it (literally)
Seems it wasn't enough.. Read it more...