Resolved T9 contacts searh problem in ukrainian language on dialing screen


Sep 27, 2019
I found a bug on my Xiaomi MI 6X, Ukrainian language - on call|dialing screen with T9 search of contacts stored with Cyrillic letters. This is not a problem of this release it was also in previous one or even in earlier releases, I just didn't have a time to investigate it and thought that it can be fixed with some settings. The problem is that Cyrillic letters which are included in the search algorithm are different with what is written on call|dialing screen and different with English language analog.

If you press 3 it looks for D E F in English contacts, it is shown that it should look for Ґ Д Е Є in Cyrillic contacts, but it actually looks for Д Є Ж З

If you press 4 it looks for G H I in English contacts, it is shown that it should look for Ж З И І in Cyrillic contacts, but it actually looks for И І К Л

If you press 5 it looks for J K L in English contacts, it is shown that it should look for Ї Й К Л in Cyrillic contacts, but it actually looks for М Н О П (which should be in search when you press 6 not 5)

And so on...

Currently our T9 engine only supports Russian layout Cyrillic. I'll see what I can do about it.
It was correct before. Actually there are only few additional letter: Є Ї і and Г' which is never used in names, no ё ы ъ э all the rest is the same. The sequence of letters is different and also the number/position of each letter in alphabet.
The problem is that layout has shifted starting from button "3" - Ж З from button 4 moved in reality to button 3.
You were asking about E - it is also under button 3 (I didn't have names with E in my contacts so didn't indicate this while writing first message).
Red letters is what it actually searches while pressing corresponding number and grey letters show what is written on the screen.
So the problem might be because in algorithm you put not the letters but their number/position in alphabet which is different between Russian and Ukrainian. Or the letters in layout which appear in skin / on screen and in algorithm are different.
Проблема в том что буквы написанные на екране возле цифр и те буквы которые при нажатии ищутся - разные. Только 2 ищет те буквы что нужно… дальше идет сдвиг. я думаю у вас в алгоритме идет просто количество символов в алфавите которые обрабатываются каждой цифрой. А поскольку алфавиты разные то и количество букв в каждом диапазоне разное... либо нужно просто прописать буквы с экрана (скриншота) в алгоритм поиска по каждой цифре.
Currently our T9 engine only supports Russian layout Cyrillic. I'll see what I can do about it.

Finally I found the reason of the problem. Here I put the screenshot of Russian language layout. It is different from the Ukrainian one. Here you can see that Russian letters do not correspond with English letters and in Ukrainian layout they do correspond. So visual layouts are different in Ukrainian and Russian languages, but the search algorithm is the same. So the solution can be in changing Ukrainian layout or search algorithm
View attachment 26389
Finally I found the reason of the problem. Here I put the screenshot of Russian language layout. It is different from the Ukrainian one. Here you can see that Russian letters do not correspond with English letters and in Ukrainian layout they do correspond. So visual layouts are different in Ukrainian and Russian languages, but the search algorithm is the same. So the solution can be in changing Ukrainian layout or search algorithm
Like I said, we currently only have code working for Russian layout properly, out of the languages that use Cyrillic. The key images are just that - images - and I'm working to implement the actual code for our supported languages.
Any news? It ,ight ne easier to change the dialing screen appearance - to represent what letters actually correspond to numbers on the dialing screen (like in Russian layout). In fact ukrainan letters correspond to latin ones, but Russian letters in layout are shifted with latin ones. In fact Ukrainian T9 searches according to Russian layout - but visual Ukrainian layout is different from Russian, so it might be easier to change the skin of Ukrainian dialer. Возможно проще заменить скин / кртинку на номеронабратиле (просто поменять подписи соответствующих букв под цифрами. По сути сделать украинский номеронабератель похожим на русский - поскольку это будет соответствовать фактическому алгоритму Т9. Я в предыдущем посте пробjвал это объяснить - что украинский номеронабератель - кириличные буквы соответствуют латинским, а в русском идет сдвиг и по сути украинский номеронабиратель по факту работает в соответсвии с русским скином, а украинский скин не соответствует русскому - а соотевтствует английскому… По этому если сделать укр скин похожим на русский все заработает. И это наверное проще чем переписывать алгоритм поиска
Like I said, we currently only have code working for Russian layout properly, out of the languages that use Cyrillic. The key images are just that - images - and I'm working to implement the actual code for our supported languages.

T9 is still not working. Can you please advise probable time when it will be fixed
T9 is still not working. Can you please advise probable time when it will be fixed
It's working fine. You need to rebuild the search index.
Contacts -> Settings -> More -> Rebuild index data

It's only needed to rebuild existing contacts, you won't have to do it again.