tempered glass screen protector


4 Jun 2013
Hey peoples,

Has anyone had any experience with using any of the tempered glass screen protectors out there? The tempered glass approach seems like a novel idea, and reviews seem to say they're much better than the plastic ones out there.

I'm curious as to how these 0.3mm or 0.4mm protectors fit, and whether or not adding these will make the screen be the same height as the black edging on the phone? I use one of those MeiFeng quicksand cases, and worried the glass protectors would interfere with it...

Currently i am using one from ebay.I recommend it to you not for the protection but for the feel that you get from it.It is a lot more durable than plastic ones so you buy one and forget it,better for fingerprints too (this is coming from someone with problems with palm sweat).As for protecting your screen i have not tried it and don't intend to ether. No fitment issues with it also fits perfect with all my cases .Screen looks better with it than with the normal plastic ones for some reason.

I have this one.
i have one to bought it from ebay also and its amazing great touch great visability i recommend it very much.
I bought one from banggood.com, it does look better and doesnt scratch lke regular one.
I did drop it 1 minute after Putting it to test it - broke.
Don't use it any more, didnt like the fact it broke so easy :p
Better than breaking your screen though! Did the glad protector raise the display much? Did it go over the black edging of the display?

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