Text-To-Speech Engine for Mi-One plus


19 Nov 2011
I am using the mi-one plus with MIUI ICS V4 2.4.20(18) ROM.

Recently, i wanted to check out the new app called Skyvi, an android answer to Siri. I have downloaded the app and also a couple of other text to speech apps like ivony etc. Also, i have downloaded an alternate Text to speech engine called Pico TTS.

When i try to run Skyvi, it shows error msg, saying "sorry, your device cannot recognize voices".It is similar issue with all other speech apps.

I went to the language & input settings-> speech -> Text-to-speech engines ^ tried selecting Google Text-To-Speech and it force closes. If i select any other TTS engine like Pico TTS, it doesnt force close, but the speech synthesis or recognition doesnt work either.

Is this a known bug with MIUI and i have to live with it, not having a voice recognition & reprpduction engine? or is it that something is wrong with the ROM or app ? can anyone confirm the same plz ??