Total Storage Capacity Differs (16gb Versions)


7 Dec 2013

I received my second Mi4C yesterday. It came with some unofficial rom preinstalled, so I flashed the 6.1.7 fastboot rom, twrp and then updated to my favorite multilang one.

To my surprise, I found out the total storage capacity is different in both the phones. My original Mi4C has a proper value of 11.31GB, whereas the one received yesterday only has 11.19GB.

There is something wrong with the partition table and I am unable to fix it. Flashall script via MiFlash doesn't fix the issue. Any ideas or workout to fix it, please?

The left one reflects the improper values from the new phone, the right one the values as they should be - the proper ones.

I've already tried editing the flash_all.bat script and using this line - "fastboot %* flash partition "%~dp0images\gpt_both0.bin", but that has had no effect at all, everything remains the same.

Can some of you, please, send me the screenshots with partition tables of your 16GB Mi4Cs or screens from Diskinfo (expert mode enabled)?

ScApi: Thank you for the screenshots, it looks like your Mi4C has disrupted partition table as well. I noticed there are some youtubers with improper storage values (11.19GB) too. It certainly has something to do with the unofficial/modified miui rom that is preinstalled in the phones. My second Mi4C was ordered from Geekbuying. I am unhappy, because I would like as much free storage space as possible.