TWRP 3.2.3 TREBLE Support


29 Apr 2016
I'm sharing modded TWRP 3.2.3 for Mi 5X.
Must have for future update to android oreo. Testing since few weeks and everything works fine.

TWRP support project TREBLE.

Download link:

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I used this TWRP for flash 8.11.15, just perfect :).

Sent from my MI 5X using Tapatalk
Of course you can. All TWRPs have backward compatibility.

Done, green theme i see... tks :)
I will skip this Oreo first build, i see many ppl with black screen or with other problems, i will wait for the next release, u have no problems with this new Oreo new version?
Пожалуйста, скажите, что я должен очистить после установки oreo на моем смартфоне, что я не получил черный экран? MI5 x:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
i had a black screen after installing the oreo build and i had to wipe using xiaomiflash (fastboot and twrp also black, shocking!)

it was fault of rom, or this twrp?
i had a black screen after installing the oreo build and i had to wipe using xiaomiflash (fastboot and twrp also black, shocking!)

it was fault of rom, or this twrp?
Try to install again after wiping with mi flash, it worked for me, I mean make a clean flash with no flash (don't lock the bootloader) and try again
Hello dear someone to help me, after install the twrp trebble on my phone i install directly the new stable rom v10. 2.2 after installation the phone reboot, and at this moment is still on Mi powered by Android page since yesterday, is that anything i forget to do before installing the rom please need your help
Hello dear someone to help me, after install the twrp trebble on my phone i install directly the new stable rom v10. 2.2 after installation the phone reboot, and at this moment is still on Mi powered by Android page since yesterday, is that anything i forget to do before installing the rom please need your help
The same steps, but my problem is of black screen after flashing TWRP and ROM v10.2.2 later.

The phone seems to start normally but does not show any image at any time, I have unlocked it from miracle

Could someone give me a hand?

how to install Miui from MIUI 9.5.3 for MI5x. currently my MI5x is at MIUI 9.5.3 with twrp Someone please give intruction step by step. I heard a lot of Mi5x became bricked after upgrade by wrong way.

Thank you!
I have tried this… but now black screen... can not do nothing. does any body know what to do?
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