Unlock Camera Features (exposure, Manual Focus...)


15 Sep 2011
Hey, in this guide is a instruction to unlock some hidden camerafeatures :
http://en.miui.com/thread-246757-1-1.html i want to try it for our redmi pro omega, but in the folder "devices _features" there is missing our device... All other devices are shown. Hopefully anyone can help. Eventually the redmi pro uses a xml from an other device? Would be great to unlock exposure settings and some other features.

Best regards
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Okay, i found out, that the xml for oir device is at : #/system/etc/device_features/omega.xml .
Its possible to unlock some features, but the important ones like exposure, live hdr and manual focus are not working -.- the camera took just a normal photo on any setting that you choose. Someone knows a way to activate exposure settings?
Had you try another cam like camera FV-5 to use exposure settings and some advanced features, like save photos in raw?
One of effective ways is ... Buy a new phone which supports those special features. JKD