Updater updates from EEA to Global


20 Sep 2020
Hello! I recently flashed my first xiaomi.eu ROM and chose for xiaomi.eu_multi_HMNote8T_V11.0.7.0.PCXEUXM_v11-9.
After connecting the phone to the Wi-Fi, it suggests to update to xiaomi.eu_multi_HMNote8T_V11.0.5.0.PCXMIXM_v11-9.

From what I understand that's a switch between EEA ROM to Global ROM, isn't it?
Is this normal behaviour/nothing to worry about, or should you always stick to either the EU or the MI version of a ROM?
Or in case of a xiaomi.eu ROM this does not matter, as this only indicates what the xiaomi.eu ROM is based on?

Please help me understand. Thanks in advance :)