Want to root xiaomi MI-2 phone..Can you help me..???All of my friend..

Kyaw Zin Shein

6 Nov 2012
I'm really don't know how to root and install Gapps (google signed zip) on this phone.
Who can help me..i really want to do it ..because i have to install some other fonts on this phone..
you can root it from the permission manager..

but you have to flash the latest ROM, i tried the permission manager and it said it cant from the stable version which comes stock with the phone. ( JLB 3.0 )..

i havent flashed the phone yet, i will do it today.
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Hey..thank you ..but i really don't know where i can get permission manager and don't know how to where i can get latest Rom..and how to flash it..when you done to your device please taeah me step by step..
you can root it from the permission manager..

but you have to flash the latest ROM, i tried the permission manager and it said it cant from the stable version which comes stock with the phone. ( JLB 3.0 )..

i havent flashed the phone yet, i will do it today.

Hey..thank you ..but i really don't know where i can get permission manager and don't know how to where i can get latest Rom..and how to flash it..when you done to your device please taeah me step by step..
Hi..Thanks you so much for your guide..but i have some question to u ..because i'm not much clever..in that tutorial i read this one "This is fairly straight forward. Simply open up "Rom Manager", which you should have installed if your rooted. If you don't have Rom Manager installed. Install it. Its a must for any rooted user."..according that paragraph to use "Rom Manager " i have to root my device first..but now the problem is i don't know how to root my device..Thanks..Please teach me ..
i do not have a mi2 yet but i plan on getting one so am doing research into rooting it. i think using this guide and following method 2 is what we need to do. Only thing is i do not know how to get the mi2 into fasboot mode. could be same as mi1 or could be different. once in fastboot mode using the tool provided in the guide we would flash the latest dev version for the mi2 from here they aslo have a .exe package on that same site i do not know if it would replace the need to manually get the phone into fastboot mode.

EDIT: i actually think the guide is a little outdated and that downloading the .exe file(wire brush) package would do the trick. Only thing i am not sure is if this file comes with both English and Chinese language or only Chinese.

edit2:was wrong on that one. The exe file and the miflash app are required by the looks of it.
well its not hard to flash, i did long time ago with the micro usb cable and fastboot.. but found out that entering recovery mode and installing from update.zip was easier and faster..

all those steps are in chinese miui forum, also the rom.. and if you want something with better english, try the miuiandroid UK one.. im using it and no issues until now...
so are you saying that i can just download the latest rom package from miauandroid and flash it using the stock recovery that comes on the mi2?
so are you saying that i can just download the latest rom package from miauandroid and flash it using the stock recovery that comes on the mi2?

well thats what i did.. i downloaded the package from miui android, then changed the name to update.zip, placed in the SD card root directory then..

boot to recovery, wipe cache, wipe (forgot what was the other one) and then selected install from update.zip which i placed on sd card root dir before..

i think i didnt put wipe data because that would just wipe the entire SD right?
so are you saying that i can just download the latest rom package from miauandroid and flash it using the stock recovery that comes on the mi2?

Yes, its already rooted with a modified recovery called MiRecovery.
well thats what i did.. i downloaded the package from miui android, then changed the name to update.zip, placed in the SD card root directory then..

boot to recovery, wipe cache, wipe (forgot what was the other one) and then selected install from update.zip which i placed on sd card root dir before..

i think i didnt put wipe data because that would just wipe the entire SD right?
Xiaomi M2 doesn't support SD card of any format... do you put that file onto build-in memory or are we talking about M1 in M2 forum?
Xiaomi M2 doesn't support SD card of any format... do you put that file onto build-in memory or are we talking about M1 in M2 forum?

step 1, download the latest rom
step 2, rename it to update.zip
step 3, go to file explorer
step 4, look for the middle tab that says SD card
step 5, go to wherever you downloaded it, cut it and paste it on the sd card root directory
step 6, boot to recovery, delete cache, delete data
step 7, select install from update.zip .. there

the SD card is integrated... and yes tahts what i mean... i know xiaomi 2 doesnt have external sd but i wasnt talking about that.
So what I was thinking my Mi2 does have rootacces but it's still not able to use rom-manager etc. This is because I can't give it root-acces on JB4.0 stable build? I would like to acces my Mi2 without using Android File transfer etc
just borrow this thread: If i wanna install something else than a rom what should i do, the stock recovery doesn't support that..
Greetings from Croatia.
My GF got me MI2 a week ago (stuborn girl she is). So far I'm more than satisfied (first time android user).
Not having any kind support anywhere near, I'm depending only on forum's information. That's why I want to verify something before do it.

Got same problem/need as thread creator. Having stable version JB3.0 which is not rooted. I did download ROM for MI2 on my PC (didnt put it in SDcard root folder yet).

While in power off mode, with combination of buttons ("Volume up" + "power on") I enter MI-Recovery 2.0.0. On a screen i got these options:

-Install update.zip to System One
-Power Off

Following advices above, all I need to do is put that downloaded ROM in to root of SDcard and rename it to "update.zip". Not sure what to do after that, regarding "step 6: boot to recovery, delete cache, delete data". Is that something I'm doing under option "Wipe&Reset" (didnt press that one yet)?.
After that I need to press "Install update.zip to System One". Not sure what is happening next since I have these option for rebooting:

-Reboot to system One (latest)
-Reboot to System Two
-Back to Mainmenu

If System One (latest) is system with just installed ROM, whats with the System Two?

I did read "all over" forums (might missed it) but didnt find something in one place, but more like fragments in several threads, so sorry if this is something already answered elswhere.
If you put in the update.zip in your root you can update it from your updaterapp> menu> select installation pack

This should work fine

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2
You have the application called updater

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2
Ok. Found it. Still, what about step 6 previously mentioned?

btw, saw comment in tutorial thread regarding update.zip work only for MI ONE. Not sure atm how old that reply is
Ok. Found it. Still, what about step 6 previously mentioned?

btw, saw comment in tutorial thread regarding update.zip work only for MI ONE. Not sure atm how old that reply is
step 6: boot to recovery, delete cache, delete data

Click on it and you can choose:
Wipe cache
Wipe user data
Wipe All data (don't do it ;))
Back to main menu