Welcome to the MI2A support forum


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Staff member
6 Nov 2010
If you need any help or support with your Xiaomi MI2A device, please post here and we will do our best to help you :)
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Reactions: Alex1967
Finally! Now you should move the discussion in the section mi2 / s in this section :)
Hello everyone from the Croatian
I have one question,
Can the MI2 android work in the Croatian language, and MIUI5 in English.
Thank you for answers
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Hello everyone from the Croatian
I have one question,
Can the MI2 android work in the Croatian language, and MIUI5 in English.
Thank you for answers
Sorry, croatian is not included in our multilang roms... we dont have translator for that language...
Sorry, croatian is not included in our multilang roms... we dont have translator for that language...

Thanks for the reply, I have to wait for the Croatian language
I love this phone ...
You are great community and I am happy with you
Good day!
Briefly describe the situation. Phone freezes, it overloaded the battery taking and he stopped to determine the sim card and catch net. It turned flew IMEI. Through long manipulation by many comrades I rebuilt it , but it did not help . Reflash all possible stable firmware. Then he took an unofficial service for inspection. The service kept him for two weeks , saying that with "hardware" is OK and how to make it work, they do not know . Seller in Aliexpress does not respond. Phone itself is working , catches WiFi, but not the phone now:) .
Thanks in advance .
I am writing this? because I have a problem with my phone and I do not know how to fix it.
I have this phone: Xiaomi mi2a, after I updated the version to MIUI4.4.25 ,I lost my IMEI, now hi 0, I do not have communication with the SIM card (service), please help me, I tried everything and nothing works.
I'm new owner of Xiaomi Mi2a. And I don't know anything about it. There is a "baidu" browser that I don't want, there are adds and warnings popping out all the time, there are pop up's programs asking to install (it installed Uc mini browser, I wanted to uninstall, it couldn't) it want's to install in the middle of my chat on whatsapp, come on?
Phone is fast, good looking, but, that is all that I know of. I have Audi, and I know how to drive Yugo. Help?
First of all, how to root the phone without killing it, or something? And, how to make a backup of all my stuff in computer?
I'm stuck.
Thanks in advance.
By the way, using it in Europe.
Hi All,

My good friend is asking me for help as he needs to upgrade his old Xiaomi phone to at leaset Android 4.3. I've been checking out the customer ROM and stuffs but I am facing difficulty as i am uncertain which model his phone is.

Checking the IMEI on IMEI.INFO, I get
IMEI.info: Model:MI-2A (2013021)
IMEI:TAC: 863472 FAC: 02 SNR: 915874 CD: 5

but if i searched "Xiaomi 2013021", the results points to Xiaomi 2S!

So which model is this phone ? Is it 2A or 2S ?