Where to place custom notification sounds


28 Nov 2010
for stock android its just /sdcard/media/notifications, but I have not been able to locate the equivalent in MIUI. I thought it would match up like the ringtones did. stock android uses /sdcard/media/ringtones while miui uses MIUI/ringtone MIUI does not recognize anything in MIUI/notification. Any help would be appreciated. Using 1.6.24 on an Inspire 4G (Desire HD)
I just press menu, other, then music whilst in notifications. Choose whatever the hell you like. Menu again allows to sort by album, artost or song name.
Although that technically works, I have about 4500 songs on my phone so trying to find a single ringtone file in there would take forever. That's why I am curious to the file path that MIUI can recognize.
Just put your ringtones, notifications or alarms files in /sdcard/MIUI/ringtone, that'll do the trick! Now they will appear in Theme manager options.
The ones I placed in that path are only viewable when selecting ringtones, not when selecting notifications, both in theme manager (which only lets me select default values) and throughout apps.
It's probably size related, try with a file smaller than 50kb and see what happens.
They are all well under 50kb, except the one I used to use for a calendar notification.