Which Android 6.0 Custom Rom Is The Best?


3 Jul 2016
Dear fellow Xiaomi-users,

anybody with Android 6.0 experience on our phone. I'm thinking to leave Miui (I don't use the launcher anyway, I prefer Nova) and switch to a Android 6.0 custum rom.

I'm looking for a
  • stable custom ROM with
  • regular Updates
  • possibly with a big community and a
  • good and complete translation into german.
Can anybody tell me something about

  1. CMRemix ROM For Xiaomi Redmi Note 3G
  2. Resurrection Remix 5.6.9 ROM For Xiaomi Redmi Note 3G
  3. CynogenMod 13 (CM13) V1 For XIaomi Redmi Note 3G
Any experience or opinion (or alternative) appreciated.

Greetings from Cologne, Germany

I don't think there's any at all. There isn't even a 5.1 ROM for this device.
I hope you realise that the ports mentioned are not for this device.
Oh, but there are. There are plenty of them, most of the Cyanogenmod based but also some others. This is a quick overview I've found:

forum.xda-developers... com/redmi-note/general/collection-custom-roms-xiaomi-redmi-t2934218

I've tried two, CM13 and RR 5.6.9. They work pretty good and your good ole Redmi Note runs way faster.. But unfortunately some problems seem to remain, at least in the Marshmallow based mods. SD card as internal memory, the main reason why I switched, won't work in any Mod because of the old kernel.

I'm switching phones soom, leaving Xiaomi. I'm pretty fed up by their update policy producing Miui 7 and 8 with the same old Android and I'm disappointed by their new models that just don't have full LTE bands leaving Europe outside. I understand, we are not Xiaomi's prime market. But then, no one can expect me to buy products that are not suited to my world.
They are for Redmi Note, this subforum is about Redmi 1.

I sort of understand you, I've just purchased a Redmi 3 Pro and I'm not impressed. But there's nothing better, as unlike you, I can't stand large phones.