Xiaomi guide to install update.zip and Brush tool


29 Mar 2012
Guide for installing update.zip or using Brush Tool for GB (Ginger Bread) or ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) or Android ICS untouched rom on Xiaomi Mi-one M1, C1 and Youth edition.

You have probably just unpacked your brand new Xiaomi Mi-One M1/C1 or Xiaomi Mi-one M1 Youth edition phone and want to update/flash to ICS or your phone with ICS, Android ICS untouched rom or GB.

You have two different (2) methods on updating your phone from GB to ICS.
If you want to flash your phone to MIUI ICS, Android untouched ICS or MIUI GB then follow method two (2)

Method one:
If you are having issues updating to ICS then use method 2.
You might get issues if you have Xiaomi Mi-One C1.

If it’s a brand new phone it will be in Chinese follow the pictures below to get it in English.

Just follow the red arrow
Step 1: Click on the Settings app (icon might be different)

Step 2: Scroll down til you find the icon with this text

Step 3: Press the text on the top of the screen

Step 4: Choose English and the phone will now change the language to English.
You will have to this on both system one and two but you can do this on system two after you have updated the phone to ICS.


Updating the phone to MIUI ICS from GB

First download update.zip (MI-ONE Plus) latest version from miuiandroid.com remember to check MD5 on the update.zip you download to make sure it’s correct.

Step 1: Remove SD card from phone and mount in Windows PC using card reader or just connect the phone via USB (USB is easier) in windows, browse to the root of the SD card and transfer the file “update.zip to the root of your SD card. Either reinsert the SD card in the phone or disconnect the USB. If using USB method then use Safely Removed USB Device before removing the phone

Step 2: Turn the phone of and boot into recovery mode (hold down volume up and press the power button to turn on, don’t release volume up until the recovery menu is displayed – takes about 7 seconds.

Step 3: Navigate the menus in recovery using the volume keys to highlight option and the power button to select highlighted option.
Select Language English.

Main menu >Wipe&Reset >Wipe Cache then >Wipe User Data, then >Wipe All Data and lastly >Update System Partition. You should have gotten a smiley face saying updated system partition and if you do it a second time for some reason it should give you a smiley face and already updates system partition) >Back to Main-menu.
Main menu >Install update.zip to System One >Yes (takes about 3 minutes).
Main menu >Reboot >Reboot to System One (takes about 3 minutes to boot into OS)

Step 4: Once in MIUI, use the “Updater” App to flash the “update.zip” ROM from within MIUI,

Open “Updater App” then click on the button to the left on the bottom of the phone (next to the house) >Select installation pack.

Browse to “update.zip” and select.
Select >Update Now
Begin Update and wait and the phone will be rebooted.

Step 5: After the phone have rebooted after step 4 reboot the phone again and go into recovery mode and Main menu >Reboot >Reboot to System two instead and repeat step 4.

You have now updated both system one and two to the latest version of miui from miuiandroid.com

If you are having problems using method one then use method two instead this method will flash the phone and not update it.

Method Two
Windows is needed (Yes you can probably use wine or other tools but I would recommend using Windows since it’s built for Windows)

Flashing Xiaomi Mi-One Plus M1/C1 or youth edition to ICS, GB or untouched Android ICS.
Warning: all user data will be lost! You need to make a backup if you want to keep user data your SD card will NOT be touched!

This method will show you how to flash for ICS but if you want to flash for the other versions just download the wire brush version of what you want to flash your phone with.

There are two downloads if you want to flash your phone to ICS with MIUI “MIUIv4 Developer Edition Wire Brush and brush tool”
Remember to get the correct version for your phone Mi-one Plus M1/C1 or Youth edition. If you want more details about the different versions read below about them.

Brush tool download direct link
If the link is dead look at the bottom of the guide for source links.

The millet phone Standard Edition MI-one Plus MIUIv4 Developer Edition (Xiaomi Phone MiOne (M1) download Wire Brush:
The millet phone version of the ROM
The millet phone young people's version The MI-one MIUIv4 Developer Edition (Xiaomi M1 Youth) Download Wire Brush:
The millet phone version of the ROM
Difference between Wire Brush and Card Brush:
Wire Brush is for Brush tool and can be used to flash the phone.
Card brush is to flash the phone update in recovery or with the update app and can’t flash the entire phone.

You have multiple downloads on this website.
MIUIv4 Developer Edition the latest ICS release from Xiaomi
MIUIv4 Stable version the latest ICS stable release from Xiaomi
MIUI2.3.5 the latest GB release from Xiaomi (numbers/version might be different when you read this)
Android4.0 the latest untouched ICS release Xiaomi its without miui launcher (numbers/version might be different when you read this)

Remember to check MD5 checksum on every download to make sure its 100% complete and correct.

Step 1: Download “Brush Tool” and the “Wire Brush” version you want to flash your Phone with.

Step 2: Unzip the files you have downloaded to a folder you choose.

Step 3: Turn off the phone, then start it again while you are pressing and holding the volume button + Power button + m button (volume down + power button + M key/camera button) then your phone will boot into Fastboot mode then connect your phone with the USB cable to your computer.

You will now see the image below if you don’t see this and get the normal gold Xiaomi logo instead then wait till the phone boots and repeat step 3.


Step 4: Open the Wire Brush folder you downloaded and unzipped and copy the address bar marked in blue.

Step 5:
Open the folder where you unzipped Brush tool and start MiFlash.exe and paste the address you copied in step 4 in to the blue marked area.
Click on the yellow circle part of the Refresh, Brush Tool will automatically identify the phone; click the red circle with Flash in the Brush Tool and your phone will now start being flashed.


Step 6: Just wait and the phone will reboot when its done takes about 306 sec so just wait and don’t remove the phone.


You are now done with the Brush Tool and you should now have the version you flashed your phone with.

You need to do method 1 if you want to get the latest miuiandroid.com release since you are now using the version of MIUI from Xiaomi.

The millet phone version of the ROM 1*

Brush tool guide Xiaomi 2*

Base guide from Geoff Hill 3*

1* The millet phone version of the ROM

2* The picture in the Brush Tool guide comes from Xiaomi.com own tutorial

3* The base of the guide and the idea for the guide comes from Geoff Hill a miuiandroid.com user

And old user guides and experience from using the Brush tool and Xiaomi own releases linked in 1*

Hope it worked for you and if not just ask in this thread and if you have other things that should be added just PM and it will be added
Please re-upload original files (ROMs and MiFlash) to other, faster FTP so people out side from China are able to download em. At the moment download time from original ftp is near 4 hours.

I am currently trying to fix kernel panic problem with clean installation!
The roms will not be re-uploaded by me at least since they change very week :) Use a download manager to help you speed things up it workes somewhat :) Miflash is so small that its not really nessesary to upload :)

But use a download manager if you are lucky you might get 100-250 kbps and sometimes just 15-50 :(
[quote="blackstones, post: 130510, member: 59951"

But use a download manager if you are lucky you might get 100-250 kbps and sometimes just 15-50 :([/quote]

Yea.. I remember waiting a day for download to complete and thankfully, i had less interruptions in my internet and the file downloaded didnt have checksum issues :) ! you can consider yourself lucky if you get the file downloaded in a day, without errors or failed packets :D
I forgot to do step number 3: in recovery-Main menu> Wipe & Reset> Wipe Cache then> Wipe User Data, then> Wipe All Data and lastly> Update System Partition.
I just tried to download « miuiV4_Mioneplus_2.7.27_fastboot» by miflash mode fastboot

Now the phone is not included. What should I do?
What do you mean the phone is not included?
Did you try do use method 1 or 2?
Have you downloaded the miflash tool and boot the phone into fastboot mode and connected it to the pc?

I wanted to downloaded " miui V4_Mioneplus_2.7.27_development fastboot ". was originally firmware miui 2.3.5y official .
Open in fastboot. connect my phone with PS. uploaded by MiFlash firmware, then pressed the Refrash- Flash (as shown in the picture). the system generated an error:
"remote: size too large (0x80004005)". tried again. still gave the same error. after that, I got the battery from the phone to come out fastboot and open "recovery".
But, the phone will not turn on. does not react to anything. I understand that I made ​​a mistake, has not fulfilled first "Update system partition" recovery mode." pliz HELP me:)
You have probably started the flash and it then "broke" the phone since you now dont have any systems on it so it wont work at all now :) its like a pc without operating system (windows) it wont work since there is nothing there :)
Follow the guide again and follow it from. From here: Step 4: Open the Wire Brush folder you downloaded and unzipped and copy the address bar marked in blue. and then the rest of the guide.
Check your downloads md5 to make sure its correct.
I come in to the Mode fastboot. at first it was necessary to charge the phone at least 15%. then pull the battery. then put back. and press the key combination to call fastboot. It was written
«Now, this phone in fastboot mode, which is only for debug android device"
Connected with PC, MiFlash- Refr-Flash…Vualya!!!Reboot-phone the work. Now I have miui2.3.5y stable.
Thank you))
I've tried to brush (it's a tool that erase all data in the Xiaomi Mi-1? But i don't know what file i have to download to do this...i've downloaded the
Millet phone ROM MIUI V4 Developer Edition 2.11.2, is that the correct file?

Sorry, i'm so so so stupid...
I downloaded also the MiFlash20120723.zip ....is that correct to do the method 2?
I'm stucked in MI logo in my Xiaomi M1, and that's all...
Ty again blackstones...
yes download Millet phone ROM MIUI V4 Developer Edition 2.11.2 that is the miui version (latest)

MiFlash20120723.zip that is also correct :)
would this same guide work for the mi2. how to get the mi2 into fastboot mode?

also does the rom package you link 2 come with both English and Chinese?
Yes it comes in english and chinese its the original release from Xiaomi that they release every friday.
Not sure how the Mi2 works since i dont have one to test with so i wont say yes or now until somebody with that phone can say yes or no. :)
Ty very much, Blackstones...i flashed the phone and now it's working (so far, so good...kkkkk)...
So, TY again!
Now, if i want to, i could download the miui in my native language and install normally? (http://miuibrasil.net/)
Hi, i'm pretty much a noob at this, but i've managed to get into recovery mode two times, but every time i try now it doesn't work :/ It's just a picture of the Android guy with a warning sign. I hope someone could help :)

EDIT: I still get it to work sometimes now :) But how do i update my Xiaomi after i have flashed it? do i just need to install update.zip?
yes just install the update.zip :)
Thanks for reply, but when i tried it said something like "OTA invalid" or something. Do i have to flash update? Right now i'm trying method 2, but it's taking a lot of time to download :/ Thanks in advance!
Oh, so i have to flash before then install the update :O If so i think i got it, thanks for all the help :D
first you use the wire brush method then you can use the normal way you update every week, with update.apk or in recovery mode.