Xiaomi MI 10 5G bricked? Need help.

!!! SUCCESS. Using a different PC worked. I have ABSOLUTELY no idea how or why.. used exact same cable, exact same roms(transferred over from other pc) and exact same steps. It even errored out and worked anyway? Thank you SO much both of you for your help.

Here's the weird error but it worked anyway:View attachment 35963
Oh by the way, the error is normal! It does that for me too since the lock part is missing which would lock the bootloader again but since we don't want that, flash all is only needed.
If you at one point, plan to sell the phone, remove your Xiaomi account in your phone, and then do the flash all and lock process

Now you can install TWRP, and start using the weekly xiaomi.eu or stable one :)
It's HIGHLY recommended, much more customisation than EEA and Global, my first step when I got my first Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Phone and the Xiaomi Mi10T lite
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I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the fact the first method I ever used would have probably worked if I'd just used a different PC. Spent entire weekend frustratingly trying to get something to work and was SO ready to just ship the thing off for repairs.

Ah good to know that's a normal error. I wanted to have a long break before I attempt to mess with anything again but looks like I might have to sooner since it's having problems pairing to devices via bluetooth now. Phew got that working now too. Just needed a bit more tweaking with settings than it did originally.
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