Xperia Arc / Xperia series MIUI

Stefano Croft

13 Jun 2011
Hello, i have just made the unfortunate mistake of signing up to a 24 Month Contact with the SE Xperia Arc phone to realise that MIUI is not supported for it. Absolutley gutted. Will we ever see MIUI for the ARC or Xperia Devices?
I don't have a "supported" MiUI phone (X10a personally), but if you browse around the various phone forums, you can probably find someone who's managed to work on getting MiUI to work on the Arc. XDA and MoDaCo are two good options to look into for that, as they both have fora for the Arc. Dev work in them isn't quite as much as some of the others, but do remember the Arc is still pretty new.
thanks man, i shall be searching! I love the miui, its absolutley brilliant but im just so gutted i cant have it on my arc i am thinking of returning it and keeping my old Desire but i dont want to have to