New ZTE V987 MMS.apk contact number association


Aug 18, 2013
Hi there,

I found a bug in the MMS.apk from the last MIUI V5 3.8.16 for ZTE V987. In fact i have a dual-sim setup with more than 1 phone number for few contacts.

It results as a bad display of contacts when i received an SMS, indeed just the first number of the contact is recognized. The second or more is not recognized nor shown in the listing. The sender appears as a +XXNumber.

I'll make some screenshots.

Technical details
- MIUI V5 3.8.16
- Contacts synced from Google Apps
- Telocation activated (by default), option 'Auto-add the country code' activated as a testing purpose
- Same issue
- It happens on incoming phone calls too, some phone numbers aren't assigned to their contacts
- I can't find out which scenario is buggy for phone calls or sms (changing primary phone number of the contact, adding the +XX prefix, Telocation options, deleted my GMail account, resync all...)

Ok i just recreate the bug when i understand that the dual-sim feature isn't acheived a 100% yet.
The phone number association doesn't work at all for the second SIM on that setup (phone called with the same phone my both SIMs)

I'll let you know when it'll get fixed.
