Changelog MIUI ROM 2.5.25 Change log [ICS]

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Staff member
Nov 6, 2010
  • Added when manually installing an application the system will automaticall scan the app for viruses and security issues
  • New text editor function, press and hold on text to get magnifying glass
  • Optimisation to expand the m-key response range
  • Optimisation of the switch controls to replace the ideographic check controls
  • Fix panel (lower right corner) of current task list in "Task Manager" icon to click on a smaller area
  • Fix problem during call, cannot recognise some headphones when they are pulled out
  • Fix Exchange FC issues
  • Added support to make two short numbers
  • Optimisation of T9 to improve the search, synchronisation, update and import efficiency of contacts and reduce space and memory usage
  • Optimisation of number attribution input logic
  • Fix issues with SIP accounts causing FC
  • Fix in some cases the underlying state error leads to FC error in Phone
  • Fix in some cases sorting errors
  • Fix the number of contacts update error
  • Fix names which contain special characters (figures) cannot be directly searched for
  • Fix part of the multi-tone word problem of low-frequency sound
  • Fix in some cases the search will display repeated results
  • Fix cannot display SIP/Internet phone numbers
  • Fix in some cases strange numbers will be identified as contact problem
  • Fix problems where two SIP phone accounts causes FC if one is not set to main number
  • Fix FC error when invalid SIM is detected and attempting to set PIN lock code
  • Fix in some cases ringtone errors
  • Optimise the location and style of the contact details / avatar popup panel
  • Fix problem when setting large contact photo avatars leads to FC
  • Added new support (including Gregorian and Lunar calendars) to add birthday reminders
[Alarm Clock]
  • Optimise the alarm interface resources package is deleted will cause the alarm to FC
  • Fix problem with messages, forwarding and copying details will not automatically exit the edit mode
  • Fix issues being usable to set SMS notification tones
[Lock screen, Status bar and notifications]
  • Added support for facial unlock (FaceLock)
  • Added support to hide screenshot notifications (See Settings for details on disabling screenshot notifications on the status bar area)
  • Optimisation of clicking on the notification bar switch toggles
  • Fix lockscreen password protection, when screen automatically switches off and you wake the phone the lockscreen does not return to the initial state it was left in previously
  • Fix notification bar download progress bar background error
  • Optimisation of folder opening speed
  • Migration of V4 themes to new server
  • New support for themes to hide status bar lock screen icons
  • Optimise preview display effects for different devices
  • Add picture captured effects
  • Added two-finger pinch gesture zoom
  • Fix during focusing process, cannot exit the camera to view thumbnail previews
  • Fix FC issue for list of albums when pulling down list
  • Fix problems setting desktop and lock screen wallpapers when using third-party tools (unable to crop)
  • Viewing album picture optimised, significantly enhance the loading speed (up to 5 times more. First time app loads the cache will be rebuilt)
  • Fix part of the image size is displayed as a problem
  • Fix slideshow function causes FC error
  • Fix when pausing music via the status bar controller, the controller in some cases disappears
  • Optimisation of pattern lock UI (increase pattern drawing accuracy)
  • Optimise hardware keys light for 5 seconds then automatically turn off
[Download Manager]
  • Fix problem where files cannot be downloaded over 3GWAP/ CN WAP
  • Optimisation of new night mode interface, 50% reduction in power consumption
[Access Control]
  • Fix problem when access restriction is enabled the password can be bypassed in some cases
[LED lights]
  • Fix problem setting LED light colours do not take effect
Does this ROM have a working Email app/cleint that will work with Emails from Hotmail?
It's great to hear LED lights problem is fixed! But my LED setting is disappeared from settings menu!
Have Mi-One latest build.
Is resolved FC when switch from camera to video recording in this version? (Galaxy Nexus)
Really cool. Could you also please fix copy to clipboard from contact list? It is not working....

Sent from my GT-9100@MIUI 2.5.18+Siyah kernel
Seems like the pinch to zoom worked earlier ? what is the difference in this build ?

I swear this is the last time I ask... Font packs are working now?

Samsung Galaxy SII + MIUI v4 + Tapatalk + SwiftKey
Updating via OTA now - changelog looks good can't wait!

Well done Mark & rest of the team!
the famous magnifying glass for the text seems NOT to be working??? Can anybody cofirm of do I have to activate it somehow?
Updating via OTA now - changelog looks good can't wait!

Well done Mark & rest of the team!

OTA doesn't appear to update properly by the way - downloaded, then said new version detected and had to re download. couldn't find the file anywhere...downloading via pc now.
the famous magnifying glass for the text seems NOT to be working??? Can anybody cofirm of do I have to activate it somehow?

I can confirm it works on Nexus S. To test. Open up Notes.apk, hold on text for about 2 seconds then start moving it slowly around. That starts the magnifying glass then you can move around like normal.
May i ask what happen to the browser offline reading, i cant seem to find that function anymore.
I can confirm it works on Nexus S. To test. Open up Notes.apk, hold on text for about 2 seconds then start moving it slowly around. That starts the magnifying glass then you can move around like normal.
SGS2... opened notes, longpress selects only current word and no magnifying glass is appearing... it is a fresh install no settings were changed.... this can be a bug!!!!
My SGS2 also does not have the magnifying glass as well. Only the select current word as HoodedMan described.
Does anyone on SGS2 has this working?
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