[ROM][KK][4.4][2014-05-18] CyanogenMod 11.0

It's windows fault. Its drivers are worse than ....

Sent from my mi²s
I have Win7 at work and Win 8.1. In the last months I am using Moonlight and Mokee KK roms. No problem with usb file transfers with these roms.
Are you sure it is caused by windows? Because I doubt it....

Verstuurd vanaf mijn MI 2 met Tapatalk
I feel the problems in my case are deeper than just Windows MTP problems. I just installed AirDroid to transfer files but I can't even make a folder from the AirDroid webinterface.

I tried creating a new folder in "sdcard0" from the CM file manager and it gave me the error "This operation requires elevated permissions". So I went to settings in the file manager and enabled "Root Acces mode", had to grant root and after that I tried creating a new folder in "sdcard0" again, this time I got the same error again.

I repeat that I used the 10-05 ROM (because I read somebody reported a bug with the camera in 18-05 ROM). Also, (I just found out,) the camera immediatly crashes for me.

I probably did something wrong along the way, so has an idea what that might be I would love to know, thanks :).
I just flashed CM10.2 (cm-10.2-20131229-UNOFFICIAL-aries) and it works fine. Both MTP and making files on the SD card from the built in file manager.

Also I noticed folders are created on the SD card by default, like "Download", "DCIM", "Alarms", etc. None of these folders were created when I flashed the CM11 ROM (except for folders "clockworkmod" and "lost+found" I think).

Hope this helps in identifying where it's going wrong for me.
i had a permission issue like that a while ago and i could solve it by flashing wiui.. just worked afterwards also in cm11 again.
I've created a ArchiDroid version of CM11 which seems to speed up this phone a lot :D
Download: http://d-h.st/XlH
Info: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2754997

EDIT: this rom is not rooted. to root it, flash this zip: http://download.clockworkmod.com/superuser/superuser.zip
EDIT2: just tried this and it doesn't work, mhhhh...
I found a "workaround" for root (no prompt for access)

1)After installing enable the devloper mode
2)Enter the developer mode and disable it... If you return to settings menu you will see the superuser menu
3)Install the latest SuperSU from recovery and reboot again to CM
4)Open SuperSU from drawer and accept the script
5)In the settings of SuperSU select "switch superuser app" and continue
6)Reboot again... You should have now root access!:D

This ROM it's really faster(not seems)! I really like ROM's with more customization and options but speed in this build it's very attractive

If You use Philz recovery You got root, few pages back, I wrote about...

Send from tapatalk space with Mi2s
If You use Philz recovery You got root, few pages back, I wrote about...
Sorry about that, but I don't really like Philz recovery insted of CWM and this method it's fot those who use only CWM

But with Philz recovery and root you get prompted for root access?

Thanks for the remind
Hello from Hong Kong and nice to meet you all.
M1cha your rom is great and the performance is impressive!

There is one issue that I would like to see if it's the issue of my MI2 - after I flashed the version on May 10, I got occasional reboot and it is unpredictable (it happened during phone call, using WhatsApp or just flicking Temple Run). Does anyone encountered similar issue? And now I'm downloading the latest version to see if it changes anything :)
Sorry about that, but I don't really like Philz recovery insted of CWM and this method it's fot those who use only CWM

But with Philz recovery and root you get prompted for root access?

Thanks for the remind
Yes, Philz adds only su binary apk is IMHO from previous rom...

Send from tapatalk space with Mi2s
I found a "workaround" for root (no prompt for access)

1)After installing enable the devloper mode
2)Enter the developer mode and disable it... If you return to settings menu you will see the superuser menu
3)Install the latest SuperSU from recovery and reboot again to CM
4)Open SuperSU from drawer and accept the script
5)In the settings of SuperSU select "switch superuser app" and continue
6)Reboot again... You should have now root access!:D

This ROM it's really faster(not seems)! I really like ROM's with more customization and options but speed in this build it's very attractive


I can confirm it works :) thanx!

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk
So its about KK,because my Xperia U also had it and was wondering whats wrong.

Hope Google/Microsoft fixes issue soon.

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk

MI2s with CM or AOSP etc. works really fine with Win7 also with Win8. The big Problem is, that often Windows installs the wrong device/driver...

this way it works every time for me:
- Download the latest Xiaomi USB driver pack. unpack to disk.
- Delete all MI devices in your windows device manager.
- connect Mi2 with MTP mode to your windows. choose to select drivers manually. (if your windows installs drivers automaticly, simply go to device manager, select the device and say update driver)
- choose to select driver manually, then choose to select driver manually from devicelist
- click on the button volume to navigate to the folder with unpacked xiaomi drivers
- then you get a list of devices/driver -> choose the signed MTP driver or ADB driver to install
(i us my phone with usb debugging activated -> device is "Android Composite ADB Interface")

thats it.

i hope that helped
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Cool,I using his rom.because it's most pure and clear.I don't like miui and Some guy marked rom,It 's shem them's face.
Hallo, läuft eigentlich cm besser wie miui v5?


Gesendet von meinem MI 2S mit Tapatalk
The same for me, as I said some page before.

On sys2 I've miui and the vocal messages are played.

I think it's something with .aac and .amr that cyano can't play
I just wanna know,whats your battery life with this phone.
I get around less than 4 hours of screen time and that looks to me a bit low.

NOTE: I use msm-dvcs governor because this is only one that gives smooth performance with best battery saving.

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk
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1d/4-5h screen
1.5d / 3-4h screen
depends highly on the useage and background service stuff. (location reporting eg. eats some battery..)
gov: interactive
I just wanna know,whats your battery life with this phone.
I get around less than 4 hours of screen time and that looks to me a bit low.

NOTE: I use msm-dvcs governor because this is only one that gives smooth performance with best battery saving.

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk
A my friend would say this (about best governor)


Personally I use interactive because of battery

Sent from my mi²s
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