MIUI 1.10.14 - We have 15 supported devices !!!


MIUI Android Staff
7 Nov 2010
Hello guys, I have already started a little project for MIUI Italian Translation based on the huge work of these MIUI-Devs, I don't know if I can write here my MIUI italian page but I hope there will be people from Italy who want to team up with us ;)

- MIUI 1.10.4 Italian Pack

Supported devices:

- Acer Liquid (porting)
- Nexus One
- HTC Desire
- HTC Desire HD
- HTC Desire S
- HTC Desire Z
- HTC Incredible S
- HTC Sensation (porting)
- LG Optimus 2X
- Motorola Defy
- Motorola Milestone
- Samsung Galaxy S
- Samsung Galaxy S II
- Samsung Nexus S

Thanks to djncmz, MarkHUK, Cicciofritz, stalvatero, stefanve, ale8530 and all guys on #miuiandroid at irc.freenode.net and Miuiandroid.com
Re: MIUI - Italian Translation

From what i can happy to help you in translate :)
Re: MIUI - Italian Translation

Great ! You could join into our translate team, please stay tuned and visit thi thread, there will be some good news soon :)
Re: MIUI - Italian Translation

Fine ,if i can be useful let me know
thank s
Re: MIUI - Italian Translation

MIUI 0.11.12 Italian Pack #1 avaible ! First post updated :)
MIUI 0.11.19 Italian Pack #2 avaible, 1st post edited. Important fix on Calls List.
Now thath i have 0.11.19 stable with a little workaround... 0.11.26 is coming.....hope this way i m a little lucky
Now thath i have 0.11.19 stable with a little workaround... 0.11.26 is coming.....hope this way i m a little lucky

What was your problem thay ? We'll try to help you with this release :)

Sent from my Nexus One using the miui-dev.com Forums App
in previous release with stock kernel continuous fc and audio very poor
Now i m using 0.11.5 with DeFroST_6.0i_havs_1113Mhz@925_bfs and all works great .Now i have also an excellent battery life
As soon as I can test 0.11.26
Thanks Mish
Salve! Innanzitutto volevo fare i compliemnti allo staff che si sta occupando della traduzione di questa fantastica ROM. Volevo chiedervi se era possibile utilizzare la traduzione anche sulle "build" di android specifiche per HTC HD2 (Leo), e più in particolare la MIUI Star basata sulla versione del 26-11. Grazie per la vostra attenzione. Spero possiate aiutarmi ^^.

Hi! I'm sorry for my bad english. I hope you can undestrand my message anyway.
First of all, I wish to thanks all the staff for their hard work on the translation of this awesome ROM. I was wondering if is possible to install this translation to the "build" version of MIUI made for HTC HD2 (Leo). I'm using the MIUI Star build released on 26-11, right now. Thanks for your attention! i hope you can help me out with this ^^.
Salve! Innanzitutto volevo fare i compliemnti allo staff che si sta occupando della traduzione di questa fantastica ROM. Volevo chiedervi se era possibile utilizzare la traduzione anche sulle "build" di android specifiche per HTC HD2 (Leo), e più in particolare la MIUI Star basata sulla versione del 26-11. Grazie per la vostra attenzione. Spero possiate aiutarmi ^^.

Hi! I'm sorry for my bad english. I hope you can undestrand my message anyway.
First of all, I wish to thanks all the staff for their hard work on the translation of this awesome ROM. I was wondering if is possible to install this translation to the "build" version of MIUI made for HTC HD2 (Leo). I'm using the MIUI Star build released on 26-11, right now. Thanks for your attention! i hope you can help me out with this ^^.

Thanks :) I don't know about HD2, we know avaibility about Nexus One, HTC Desire and Motorola Milestone.
Is it possible to have a Desire (no N1) translation?

Otherwise I would remark some translation errors (in bold the actual erroneus strung, in italic between parenthesis the correct suggested string):

1) In news/meteo (Google App), if the phone can't download any meteo info the sting tells "Nessuna informazione meto (meteo) disponibile"
2) In the same app, the days's first letter aren't all translated: for example we now have "S" also for "Domenica" (i think it's un-translated from english "Sunday") instead of "D"...
3) I composing-text fields (like search field or sms text composing), if you click on a highlighted text, in the appearing window menu we now have "Aggiungi sal (al) dizionario"

I'll remark other errors when/if I'll find them ;)
Is it possible to have a Desire (no N1) translation?

Otherwise I would remark some translation errors (in bold the actual erroneus strung, in italic between parenthesis the correct suggested string):

1) In news/meteo (Google App), if the phone can't download any meteo info the sting tells "Nessuna informazione meto (meteo) disponibile"
2) In the same app, the days's first letter aren't all translated: for example we now have "S" also for "Domenica" (i think it's un-translated from english "Sunday") instead of "D"...
3) I composing-text fields (like search field or sms text composing), if you click on a highlighted text, in the appearing window menu we now have "Aggiungi sal (al) dizionario"

I'll remark other errors when/if I'll find them ;)

Desire version is not much different from the one for N1
, anyway we'll release a specific HTC Desire translation as soon as possible.

1),2)These are Google App translation issues, not MIUI translation issues

3) As I understand reading your report it seems a keyboard app issue, I'll take a look

Thanks for your report, you help us to improve our work. We'll fix it in next release :)
Other translation errors...

1) In SMS app the button to send SMS, in default theme is in Chinese.
2) In SMS app, Inked and business themes, the heading of sent messages is "Iodetto" - "Markdetto"... we need a space between the sender name and the word "detto". Personally I'd translate "ha scritto:" (with column in the end) instead of "detto"
Too many miui rom updates,translation is a problem with continuous daily releases
Isn't MIUI weekly relased? (only this time they released a new version the next day due to serious bugs...)
How can I help in order to speedup the translation process?

It is not acceptable 3 or more days of late since the moment they released their rom.

All togheter must work to get it as soon as possible.