Instruction, How To Fix Google Market Error 963 Part 1


21 Mar 2016
All written below is not actual anymore. Use this thread:
or even better use this:

If you are going to do something like that, that means that you are familiar with driver installations and command line.

1. Download Native android from here:
2. Extract platform-tools.rar from archive downloaded above to somewhere (let's say c:\platform-tools, let's call it N1)
3. Extract folder Native-release to somewhere (let's say c:\Native-release, let's call it N2)
4. Move content of the folder Native-release (N2) (flash_all.bat and folder images) to folder platform-tools (N1)
5. Connect pad to PC
6. In Windows explorer, when platform-tools (N1) folder opened press Shift and right mouse button and select "Open command window here".
6. Boot into fastboot with buttons combination or write in black window "adb reboot bootloader"
7. When you tab in fastboot mode write in black window flash_all.bat

After that, when tab will rebooted you will get native android in it. Now you reboot into fastboot (of course it should be unlocked), flash TWRP. After that install 6.3.17 release from here from TWRP. And now most significant part: DIRECTLY AFTER FLASH SWIPE DALVIK, CACHE and DATA. DO NOT TOUCH SYSTEM NEITHER BEFORE NOR AFTER FLASH!!!!!
Then flash SuperSU.
I will also create separate thread how to flash SuperSU and TWRP.
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If you are going to do something like that, that means that you are familiar with driver installations and command line.

1. Download Native android from here:
2. Extract platform-tools.rar from archive downloaded above to somewhere (let's say c:\platform-tools, let's call it N1)
3. Extract folder Native-release to somewhere (let's say c:\Native-release, let's call it N2)
4. Move content of the folder Native-release (N2) (flash_all.bat and folder images) to folder platform-tools (N1)
5. Connect pad to PC
6. In Windows explorer, when platform-tools (N1) folder opened press Shift and right mouse button and select "Open command window here".
6. Boot into fastboot with buttons combination or write in black window "adb reboot bootloader"
7. When you tab in fastboot mode write in black window flash_all.bat

After that, when tab will rebooted you will get native android in it. Now you reboot into recovery (of course it should be unlocked), flash TWRP. After that install 6.3.17 release from here from TWRP. And now most significant part: DIRECTLY AFTER FLASH SWIPE DALVIK, CACHE and DATA. DO NOT TOUCH SYSTEM NEITHER BEFORE NOR AFTER FLASH!!!!!
Then flash SuperSU.
I will also create separate thread how to flash SuperSU and TWRP.

will give a try thx for explaining ;-)
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I'm trying just now.

One question about this
7. When you tab in fastboot mode write in black window flash_all.bat

After that, when tab will rebooted you will get native android in it.

After flash.all, table doesn't reboot... I digited fastboot reboot.
Tablet reboot into native. Ok
I copied, into download folder of Mi Pad 2
I digited adb reboot-recovery
Tablet rebooted in recovery
Now how can I flash TWRP ???
So I rebooted to system and moved to root renaming it
Then adb reboot-recovery
From mi recovery I tried to install (THE TWRP) but install failed due to signature verification failed.

Now how can I flash TWRP ???
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It's a separate thread with description how to flash TWRP from fastboot.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Try this:
https:// miuipolska . pl /forum/topic/10054-miui-polska-dla-mi-pad-2/?page=3#comment-155516

remove spaces in link above (forum block me to put web url)

use google translate :) it's work
I rebooted in fastboot
Flashed twrp.img from command line
Manually power off tablet and tried to manually boot into recovery but tablet booted anyway into system
So I done an adb reboot recovery from command line BUT twrp doesn't start. The recovery started was, gain, MI recovery.

There is a step I've forgotten??
Steps from begging (MIUI official ROM) to MIUI EU

try this
https:// miuipolska . pl /forum/topic/10054-miui-polska-dla-mi-pad-2/?page=2#comment-154739
https:// miuipolska . pl /forum/topic/10054-miui-polska-dla-mi-pad-2/?page=3#comment-155516

remove spaces in link above (forum block me to put web url)

use google translate :) it's work
My problem is beetween this two steps:

  • flash TWRP.
  • After that install 6.3.17 release from here from TWRP.

I can install TWRP from cmd line, no problem.
But When tablet reboot I keep pressed Volume+ and Power BUT IT WILL BOOT NORMALLY... and rebooting now into reboot will end into loosed of twrp and restoring of stock Mi Recovery.

After flash TWRP, how can I really boot into TWRP ?
Another try FAILED:

C:\platform-tools>fastboot boot twrp.img
downloading 'boot.img'...
OKAY [  0.707s]
FAILED (remote: command not allowed in verified state)
finished. total time: 0.721s

C:\platform-tools>fastboot oem unlock
(bootloader) Unlock protection is set
(bootloader) Unlocking anyway since this is not a User build
OKAY [  0.060s]
finished. total time: 0.062s

C:\platform-tools>fastboot boot twrp.img
downloading 'boot.img'...
OKAY [  0.703s]
OKAY [  0.043s]
finished. total time: 0.751s

Tablet do not booted.
I rebooted manually with Power Up and Power ... and tablet again booted into normal mode...
Wolfkill, thanks for your help but I'm trying to follow THIS guide and NOT the guide you linked

This step here is NOT mentioned....

If after flashing TWRP is possible to directly boot into TWRP... ok... but this tutorial, as is, is NOT WORKING. I need an hlp from the author of first post
I think we use the same app to install twrp -> http:// en.miui. com/thread-203226-1-1.html
You used archive provided by me, to flash TWRP? Then tab should start to reboot after flash by him self. And you should press Volume+ and power at the same moment and hold for 5-6 sec. Did you unlocked bootloader?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
If you unlocked bootloader, you should have error 03 during boot.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
After many attempts, with different methods, I finally managed to get it to work correctly with this instruction.
Thanks Papka

As a summary these are the steps I followed:
1) Install Native Android as indicated by Papka in #1
2) Reboot to system and you should be in Android Native, in Chinese.
3) Reboot to Fastboot and install TWRP provided by Papka in the TWRP thread (not the other one found in the forum).
Hint: I had to use my own adb drivers and only use the recovery.img provided. The drivers in the zip didn't work for me.
4) When TWRP is installed it reboots, so press volume+ and power for a few seconds until you get to TWRP.
5) While in TWRP, copy EU rom to Mipad and install.
6) Wipe cache/dalvik, wipe data.
7) Reboot to system.
Thanks for this nice how to. Actually i stayed with aosp. It is clean and smooth.

Is this actually made by you? If so, is there a chance for marshmallow? Or do we have to wait for a kernel update?

Gesendet von meinem MI PAD 2 mit Tapatalk
I've tried this and other suggestions in this thread and I just can't get past the 963 error.

I've followed the instructions several times and the result is always the same.

I've looked at the posts on that Polish forum and I still see 963.

Do Play not work on certain ROMs? I'm using 7.3 (6.3.31).

Any help would be appreciated, I've spent more hours then I can count trying to get Play to work.
Did you really followed all instruction (this, about TWRP and so on...)? This is only first part that will guarantee to get system partition correct. When you flashed ROM, what partitions you wiped from TWRP after flash/before? This is the most important part. If you did wrong at this step - error 963 will stay with you.
Did you really followed all instruction (this, about TWRP and so on...)? This is only first part that will guarantee to get system partition correct. When you flashed ROM, what partitions you wiped from TWRP after flash/before? This is the most important part. If you did wrong at this step - error 963 will stay with you.

I already had TWRP installed so I didn't do that step.

Once I had installed the new ROM in TWRP I swiped to clear dalvik and cache. I then clicked home and went to clear and removed data as well. I then selected reboot system.

The bit I didn't quite understand from your instructions was: "After that, when tab will rebooted you will get native android in it". So should I see anything different at this point? It looks like the normal ROM I had running.
Your approach will never works. You should re-flash all from scratch. First of all - do this. Then unlock, TWRP (see instruction). Only then ROM. And as a profit - market will work.
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