I'm trying to install this rom, but probably I'm doing something wrong... Hope you can help me.
I got my mi pad 2 a couple weeks ago but didn't do much with it yet because I wanted to install a different rom, in case the seller put some spyware or something on it

This room looked like a prime candidate, but I can't get the toolbox to connect to my tablet.
First off, if I understand it correctly, I'm supposed to turn my tablet off, plug in the USB cable, go to fastboot by holding volume down, then start tool.bat, right?
I do this, my tablet shows a nice little cartoon of a chinese rabbit poking around in an android with the word fastboot under it and I see Intel Android Device show up in my device manager. I start tool.bat, but all it shows me is an empty command window with a blinking cursor in the top left. I left it for 15 minutes, disconnected the tablet and aborted the batch file. Then when I try again it immediately says device not found and refers to the driver folder. After I reboot my PC it does the blank screen thing once again, then goes back to device not found after I abort the batch file.
I installed the Intel drivers, but I have no idea what to do with the xiaomi drivers. There's just some inf and cat files? I don't have an unrecognized device that I can point to those drivers and rightclicking and installing doesn't seem to work.
Am I doing it wrong? Do you have any other idea what could be causing this?
My PC runs Windows 10. My tablet has MIUI version 77. | Stable
Also, one other question... I saw you advising the chinese rom because you get OTA updates, but why do we want that? I typically don't like my devices updating too much. This tablet will mostly just sit on my couch and be used as a web browsing device. Once it's stable and does what it's supposed to, I'd rather not risk an update suddenly breaking it... or is there some other reason why I should want those updates?