Hi everyone!
My Xiaomi Mi5 came with Global Dev Rom
6.11.10 but I think it was some custom ROM (phone was sent to me from aliexpress). I heard they flash "hacked" China Global Dev Rom (I had found partially translated menu on this one).
I have unlocked bootloader - flashed TWRP and rooted the phone. It was working quite nice.
Unfortunately I don't know why but I have selected Download update and (despite the fact system showed me that there are no updates) it started to downloading the file and encrypting it. After a reboot I lost my TWRP and my root :/ (I know, I know).
So, I decided to flash the recent update
Official Developer ROM Global Beta 7.1.19.
Flashed it through
MiFlash and it worked. Of course I had to restore TWRP (the most recent version).
As I have flashed it and have entered to recovery mode TWRP showed me that I have to type password to decrypt internal memory. Great

Previously in
6.11.10 nothing like this has happened. So, I have found somwhere that I have to wipe data and I did.
The phone went in a bootloop "mode". Right (I was sitting the whole night to read all the manuals to not to screw anything :/
Ok! So I have flashed 7.1.19 once again via MIFlash (wiping all data) and now it's stable and working.
Question is (sorry for writing so long posts) - how to restore TWRP and root my phone and not entering into a bootloop once again ? Is it some kind of bug in the new MIUI firmware or TWRP ?
Someone wrote:
Password was not requested at startup.
I have changed the setup to make sure password is requested at startup, rebooted, therefore entered my PIN to boot, then shut down, and finally restarted in TWRP
And... miracle ! -> TWRP took my PIN and decrypted the OPO!!
To access this setup go to your screen locker options, confirm PIN method and doing this you should be asked if you want to enable PIN when booting.
I haven't tried that becasue didn't have time.
If I wanted to install
XIAOMI.EU 7.1.19 ROM is it possible to do this via MiFlash? Or the only way is to use TWRP ? Will there be any problems with compatibility - I mean do I have to wipe cache\data\dalvik ... or better to make a full factory format and then install the ROM ?
Stupid question but I want to be sure - XIAOMI.EU is based on Global Developer Beta ROM... right?