Mi5 With No Signal


16 Feb 2014
Hi all. I tried to find some help in a spanish forum I usually visit, but is no help, I think the case I have is quite rare and strange. I have never read before about.

2016's black friday I had a friend searching for a phone, and I achieved a quite cheap Mi5 for him. Is 3gb ram and 32gb version. After my experience with some other Xiaomi (mi2s,mi4,mi4c...), I didn't hesitate to advice the mi5.
It came with a false Xiaomi rom, I unlocked the bootloader, installed TWRP and flashed xiaomi.eu's latest weekly rom (6.12.15).

All was correct and my friend was a happy Mi5 owner... until 2 days ago. But on wednesday wrote me complaining that had no signal on the phone. He wasn't able to connect to network. No able to call, receive a messaje or connect internet. Yesterday, I went to help him, and tried diferent things in order to fix the problem.

1- I tried his Sim card in my OP3. Caught signal, even 4G. So I discard any sim problem.
2- Wipe cache. Same, no signal.
3-I tried my sim on the Mi5. Firstly caught signal, didn't let to call. No internet conection. After a minute, lost signal.
4- Factory reset. Same, no signal.
5- I downloaded last weekly rom, 7.1.19-20. I wiped everything except internal storage and installed new rom. But still continues with no signal.
6- I consider is Imei's problem, but it has the Imeis. (Look *#06#)
7- I let the phone for today evening or tomorrow, was late. I'm going to sim card company to talk and try to find out what the problem could be.

I don't think the Imei could be blocked, just my friend, I and the seller had the number.
When trying to connect manually to an antenna, the phone finds the different ones around, but doesn't connect. I don't think is hardware problem. He said me, had no drops with phone.
He can use wifi connection.

Can anyone help me?? I'm quite desperate, I think I've tried everything I know, and had no results.

Sorry by the way for my english, I think you will have no problem to understand, but I know there will be some mistakes jejej
Tengo el mismo problema desde hace varios meses, he probado de todo pero solo con ROMs oficiales.

Ya no se que mas hacer...
Tengo el mismo problema desde hace varios meses, he probado de todo pero solo con ROMs oficiales.

Ya no se que mas hacer...

Y has probado tirar de garantia?? Nosotros nos acabamos de poner en contacto con el vendedor, aber que nos dice.

(Do you just tried to use warranty?? We have just talk to the seller, let's see what he offers.)
Y has probado tirar de garantia?? Nosotros nos acabamos de poner en contacto con el vendedor, aber que nos dice.

(Do you just tried to use warranty?? We have just talk to the seller, let's see what he offers.)
lo compre por Gearbest...me dijeron que lo enviase a China....y la verdad que paso porque me han dicho en otros forums que no hacen nada y es muy probable que se pierda.
yo en cambio cuando intento conectarme a una red manualmente no me detecta ninguna...puede ser del cable de la antena??
yo en cambio cuando intento conectarme a una red manualmente no me detecta ninguna...puede ser del cable de la antena??

Lo tuyo bien puede ser algo mas simple. Lo mio creo que es mas complicado, tipo hardware quemao en parte o robo de Imei. No se decirte. Porque no vas a unos paquistanies? Yo en el pueblo de alado tengo unos que cambian pantallas y arreglan este tipo de problemas por pocos euros. Y puede que te sirva.