Hi Guys,
Good day, I hope you can help me as I am new here but I've been following this website since I owned a xiaomi device.
I have mi9T/K20 device and everything is working well on miui 11 v1 and had no any issues.
When my phone notified me of an update to v2, i immidiately downloaded and installed it over the current miui11 v1 installed, I guess that is called dirty flashing.
After that starts my problem, my phone keeps on rebooting every couple of minutes, the wifi is not working properly though its connected and can browse but the IP is gone and when I go to wifi setting, its just blank.
It's now two days and I can use my phone properly due to the frequent reboots, I don't want to fresh install the OS as I have apps, contacts, messages and pictures in the phone and would be a hassle to start over.
I want to go back to V1 as I think that would solve my problem, but I can't seem to find the link as it was already updated to V2
I hope you guys can help me out, its been driving me crazy and cant focus on my work.