- 12 Feb 2016
- 30
- 20
You could try thisfastboot getvar anti :1
flash_all batt :
fastboot %* getvar product 2>&1 | findstr /r /c:"^product: *umi" || echo Missmatching image and device
fastboot %* getvar product 2>&1 | findstr /r /c:"^product: *umi" || exit /B 1
::check anti_version
if exist %~dp0images\anti_version.txt (for /f "delims==" %%a in (%~dp0images\anti_version.txt) do (set CURRENT_ANTI_VER=%%a))
for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%i in ('fastboot %* getvar anti 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /r /c:"anti:"') do (set version=%%i)
if [%version%] EQU [] set version=0
set anticheck="antirollback check pass"
if %version% GTR %CURRENT_ANTI_VER% set anticheck="Current device antirollback version is greater than this pakcage"
echo %anticheck% | findstr /r /c:"pass" || @echo "Antirollback check error" && exit /B 1

[GUIDE] Flash Official Xiaomi Firmwares with a locked bootloader GLOBAL/CN
Hi, in this guide I will show you how to flash different official firmware (Global and CN) without having to unlock the bootloader. DISCLAIMER: Just to be sure, I am not responsible for any bricks or damage to your smartphone. Use this guide at...