
  1. M

    Install Xiaomi EU ROM without Google Play Services

    Is it possible to install the Xiaomi EU ROM without installing Play Services? In the description of the rom I see: Google apps support integrated SafetyNet passed (Google Pay) Play Store Certified But don't mention if this is preinstalled or not and if is possible not to install them. Thank you.
  2. jaskier

    How can I contribute to rom translations?

    Hello everyone; I live in Turkey. And I wonder how I can contribute to Xiaomi.EU's Turkish ROM translations. More precisely, can I contribute? :) I would be grateful for you to share with me any informational text or guide about contributing to translations. Thanks in advance. I wish healthy...
  3. onyxlee

    CC9 Pro (Note 10) can't reboot to system after flashing ROM

    Hi guys, I need some help! My CC9 Pro was purchased in Mainland China. I installed: recovery-TWRP-3.3.2B-0219-XIAOMI_CC9PRO-CN-wzsx150.img provided here: Then, after wiping with default settings, I loaded these 3 ROMs one by one...
  4. R

    WIFI not working (MI 8)

    Hello everyone, I recently bought a Mi 8 from a friend, knowing that his xiaomi had a strange Wifi problem. No matter what I try, it just don't turn on (and if I try more than 3 times, the phone crashes). Probably this issue is from the hardware part, but I need to try more first. This Mi 8 is...
  5. E

    Failed to Install ZIP (Note 9 Pro 5G Gauguin)

    I tried installing a custom multilang rom for my Redmi Notes 9 Pro 5G
  6. D

    ROM Mi CC9/9 Lite

    Could someone tell me if I install the estable ROM, will I still receive updates via OTA?
  7. C

    Last updated and stable rom for Redmi note 4G Please

    Can someone give me the last updated and stable rom for Redmi note 4G please?
  8. H

    Urgent Help needed, Rom MIUI12 K20 Pro Black Screen

    Hello everyone, I'm super stressed because I tried to install MIUI 12 beta on my Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro(K20Pro), I downloaded the latest version from Then I downloaded adb and TWRP. So I managed to get TWRP on my smartphone: I was able to search in my smartphone for the update file and I...
  9. fabiogameri

    System bootloop TWRP

    Whenever I try to install the WEEKLY ROM my device starts in TWRP mode, I already did everything I could, Uninstall magisk, Format the data, EVERYTHING and my device keeps starting in TWRP mode with the WEEKLY rom, on the other hand the STABLE rom works normal , what could it be? Redmi Note 8...
  10. F


    fui trocar rom CH - GLOBAL e ocorreu esse erro depois disso meu aparelho esta em um loop fastbootpreciso de ajuda, ja tentei de tudo
  11. K

    Issues with flashing MIUI 10.3.2

    I recently received a Mi Pad 4 (8 inch) I downloaded "SDK Platform-Tools for Windows" and TWRP Clover. I put the "twrp.img" file into the Platform Tools folder. Inside the Platform tools folder I held down right shift and clicked the right mouse button to go into powerShell. I then entered...
  12. R

    Redmi k20 pro - The system has been destroyed error, bootloeader locked

    I was going to install the Android 10 in my Redmi k20 pro, but when I was flashing it with MiFlash I selected "clean all and lock". Now I have "The system has been destroyed error". So I was going to unlock the device with MiUnlock ( after breaking py phone ) but it tells me "your mi id is not...
  13. M

    Invalid 9.12.5 Mi 6 - Color scheme does not work.

    As i try to change color to warmer , i I noticed that nothing change in colors. All options doesn't work.
  14. ReaktoringHD

    Android 10: ASHA on Android 10 ROMs? Can i build a custom version of the ROM?

    Hi there, I just want to know if there is ASHA (Audio streaming for hearing aids) activated in your ROMs and if there is any posibilitiy for me to build an custom version myself with this activated when it's not included. Thank You!
  15. T

    Which Rom for Redmi 4 Prime?

    Hi guys, Since miui Global 10.2 my device is lagging horrible, (put wrong characters when writing or don't react for 2 seconds). I first thought that the display is broken and changed it but its not better now. I have successfully unlocked the bootloader and now I search for a Rom for flashing...
  16. L

    New MI8 MD5 does not match

    I have this problem. When I try to download an update from the app on the MI8, it starts downloading but after a few minutes it says ''md5 does not match''. If I update the device downloading the rom manually, it works but i would like to do it from the app itself. Anyone knows how to solve this?
  17. kevols

    9.9.26 is good for whyred?

    any suggestions or comments about miui 11 on your redmi note 5? i want to try it. thanks
  18. N

    Dead phone after turning off while instaling ROM / MiFlash doesn't see device / can't go FASTBOOT nor recovery

    Hello, I was installing on my Xiaomi Mi 5x MIUI 10 by TWRP. Eveything was fine, but for some reason meanwhile phone just turned off. I was trying to go into FASTBOOT (vol - and pow) after connecting to PC but it only makes vibration and signal (black screen). Also tools like MiFlash don't see...
  19. safin.ahmed17

    New 2 bugs spotted in MIUI EU [STABLE] 10.3.17 for K20 Pro

    1. GPS 2. Profile video for outgoing calls Description: 1. GPS can only be set to "Device only" If I select "battery saving" gps automatically turns off and "High accuracy" is unable to select 2. Can't select profile video for outgoing calls under sounds & vibration section. Its set to "no...
  20. S

    Xiaomi device got blank screen after flash a rom, need help :'(

    I am trying to flash android Q beta into K20 pro today and as a result it got blank now. I bought this device which come with global rom as seller claim and every time it's reboot, there is a word that said, it's unlocked. Today, I found this website...