2-18-11 Early Release Notes


Forum donator
29 Nov 2010
Doesn't sound like a lot this week but here are the early release notes. Again, google translate is crazy sometimes... rice noodles!!!


Members rice noodles, this week MIUI stability is concentrated in the ROM, and improved a lot.

This outlines some of the new features added:

Phone attribution to an increase of thousands of database records, fixes errors in individual data.

SMS Fixed some cases the problem can not receive long text messages you can edit the song's ID3 information, can be associated with local lyrics and albums.

Gallery added three Sort by: by file creation time, by file name and by file size
Some models of mobile phone camera repair widescreen setting FC initialization problem

Camera repair camera button to take pictures during the visit will lead to a period of time the camera does not respond to the problem

There are a lot of repair and optimization, detailed and complete list of improvements, etc., when there is a release Friday.
The ability to edit ID3 tags in MIUI music is all i need to be satisfied with the update, thanks :)

EDIT: I wont say no to rice noodles either...
Stabilityfixes, yeah! I hope the OpenGL Libs are included / recompiled... this week, Pocket Legends crashed 6 times, and bricked my phone... x,.x" Only thing that helped: Wipe the dalvik-cache.

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