/!\ LSPosed/EdXposed and XPrivacyLua modules are NOT needed /!\
From an info on XDA (thanks
@Displax), you can use an old workaround to pass the SafetyNet "CTS" test by simply changing the "ro.product.model" prop of your device!
Here's my Magisk module (it will change the model info to "Xiaomi device") =>
EDIT: I can't test my Magisk module so please feedback if it working or not. Thanks!
EDIT 2: zip version for TWRP (only working for old devices chipped under Android 9 and below) =>
(NOTE: You can reinstall this zip version for TWRP to remove the workaround!

/!\ LSPosed/EdXposed and XPrivacyLua modules are NOT needed /!\
EDIT: Do not forget to clear all data of "Google Play Store" , "Google Play Services" and "Google Service Framework" apps in phone's settings then reboot your device.