MULTI 5.10.15/16

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Just upgraded to 5.10.16 with no wipes, the update says it is android 5.1.1, on my phone it is showing as android 5.0.2 LRX22G. is that correct ????

with this rom version Hermes (Redmi note 2) upgrade to 5.1.1? Have add double tap wake fuction? Thanks

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Updated my Mi-3W with success from OTA and Mirecovery. No FC in Music nor Gallery. Language Spanish.

Great job guys! Thanks a lot for your efforts!

Enviado desde mi MI 3W mediante Tapatalk

with this rom version Hermes (Redmi note 2) upgrade to 5.1.1? Have add double tap wake fuction? Thanks


No. No.

Why do you want 5.1.1? Nothing change...
Ask to mediatek for kernel source if you want double tap to wake

~ Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 Prime ~
Hi my gps does not fix correctly. Always need allow google play service to access background gps service. But when i reboot the phone I need setup gps background again. Any idea?
It's a thing that developer should do, not users. Dunno how to do it, i'm not a dev

Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 2 utilizzando Tapatalk
What does sign mean!? What's the problem with this relase!? Can you explain?


Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 2 utilizzando Tapatalk
Hi, as requested by other posters to this thread, is it possible to have vibration control back in the next release, high,medium and low is available in 5.9.18.... Thanks
All roms rebuilt... Gallery FC should be fixed...
Thanks, anyway it works if you switch first to english than back in your language
What does sign mean!? What's the problem with this relase!? Can you explain?


Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 2 utilizzando Tapatalk
As far as i know new builds have private signature, and mirecovery will accept only official builds (eng/chn), is unofficial.
Use twrp and don't care ;)

Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 2 utilizzando Tapatalk
Dear @ingbrzy,
are you planning to work on stable (final release) for Leo?
Thank you in advance for your work!
Kindest regards
Thanks, anyway it works if you switch first to english than back in your language

As far as i know new builds have private signature, and mirecovery will accept only official builds (eng/chn), is unofficial.
Use twrp and don't care ;)

Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 2 utilizzando Tapatalk
I open this thread on the official forum
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