Its not true, in china whatsup is not popular. Remeber that base on China Miui.
In China most popular messengers are example: QQ, WeChat and more apps example Baidu etc and this all apps work perfectly. I use example QQ(china version) and its work perfect all the time, i dont use QQ International, because dont have many options.
Remeber that China roms dont have Google Play Store, adds this Store etc and You have whatsupp from Google Play. They have Mi App Market. You dont have it in as many another apps and features from China Miui Roms. This is reason too why many apps could not work good.
Beta Testers do hard and good job. Please apply for beta testers and try... We will see how You will test it....
Its simple write about thinks what do another people.Apparently, you have no idea about the work of developers or alpha and beta teams.
You blame beta testers than You blame example
@graw2 becauae He is on China Beta Team and Global Beta Team.
For me He and anothers beta/alfa tester and developers do very hard and good work.
@graw2 help in thia forum too.
And its so bad? Ohh...
Many beta and alfa tester dont do work too....apply and we will see that Yours works hard? OK?
Its beta/developer and for Mi6 its first public Beta from and could have many bugs..
China roms 8.1.11 not release Public.
Go to site its still in close beta. You install still very early close beta and You blame all? You can stay on old rom or install stable rom. For normal users is recommended install Stable nor beta/alfa roms.. You install beta and You agree with could have many bugs.
Install China Miui Rom, not install Google Play

and install most popular apps in China, example QQ or WeChat.
Whatsup? He maybe heard about that or maybe not.
For Mi6 China not release public. I write about that yesterday in the morning.
And next reason this is beta and could have many bugs, we must agree with that.
For normal users its recommended install STABLE roms,to users from China recommended install China Stable, from another countries in the world recommended install Global Miui Stable(not China recommended)
You install custom rom, rember that, not official roms. Rember China rom its not recommened for outside China. Its special rom only for China. base on China. We must agreed with that...
Rember that its early beta rom. Why release first than China rom?
You can stay on stable or old for phones if have to many bugs in new. Its simple.
Same situation for anothers phone example with bug 2 notifications. You can install official Global Roms, They fox it in 8.1.11 or 8.1.4.
You can install Global Stable. You can back to older 7.12.21/28 etc. You can install Stable or China Stable.
No one force to You must install developers(beta/alfa) roms or install next updates. Its many ways. But all prefer complain all the time developers, beta testers etc. You have roms for free. Do You Pay for that or work with build a rom? No. Phone doesnt work when You dont do update? NO! Its still working. Its still have all functions...
If you have to blame someone, you should blame You and not others. Nobody forces you to install.
Ps. Its not a personal post, i like You and i know that You understand how it work.
Ps2. Best regards and good work team and China/Global Miui Team.
And message to everyone, stand with constant complaints and blaming everyone but yourself, appreciate the work of the Chinese and the team. Bless you to be grateful, every week only gripes and guilty robes. He will go rom, badly because he will not come out, badly because he did not leave, delayed, badly because he is gone. Even if on Thursday does not come out, people are complaining ...
EOT FROM ME. Good weekend to All. Stay with familly or frienda not with complins in forum, because whatsupp not work.. Its silly. No real life?