A way to decrease text size of app icons only in folders?


21 Jun 2011
Hi Guys and gals,

The title basically says it all. I have app icons in folders and the app icon text is too large so the titles overlap. I don't want to decrease font size system wide because my eyes are .. um... in need of big fonts. :rolleyes:

But, I'd like to be able to just decrease text size inside the folders... anyone have any ideas?

many thanks as always!!
Hi Guys,

I'm giving this a bump because it got buried. I hope nobody minds the bump because I'd still really like to understand this ... In Settings/Personal I have font set to "large" because I need that... but it would appear... I think... that this global setting affects the size of the icon label text in folders... I tried setting it to small but I still have the problem: the icon labels are in too big of a font and they overlap...

I'm looking for a way to affect the size of just the icon label text inside of the folders. I'd like to make that text rather small so the labels don't overlap. Or a way to make the labels use two lines would also work... or cutting the text off would be okay but a less ideal way...

I've googled around and can't find what I'm looking for... I'd imagine others might have this issue also?? Am I overlooking something obvious???

Many thanks to the MIUI community here just as always.

Hope nobody minds but I am waiting a good bit before bumping. The idea behind bumping it is that there hasn't been any responses and there is a possibility that somebody new will see the post that wasn't on the forum on either 8/2 or 8/9.

Thank you miui community !
Overlapping icon names in folders is annoying bug and it's been like this for many releases. I don't understand why they don't fix it. Should be top priority.