[ASK]RAM Usage


17 Oct 2012
Hi guys.

I was wondering, why my Xiaomi RAM usage is high (free RAM is 150-180 MB while idle), but I'm ignoring it because I feel it normal.

Well, it didn't feel normal after I saw my gf android's. She have 512 MB RAM phone, and free RAM while idle is somewhat same with me (170 MB~).

So, I want to know how much free RAM do your Xiaomi left while idle? Thanks :D
What? This has nothing to do with battery.
Does your gf has MIUI? If not then you can't compare both phones at all.
Oh it doesn't o_O? I was thinking, more apps running = more battery usage.
Well, I guess it didn't really matter how much RAM left in our phones then. :)

However I still curious how much free RAM do your Xiaomi left, because that is the main question in this thread.
Oh it doesn't o_O? I was thinking, more apps running = more battery usage.
Well, I guess it didn't really matter how much RAM left in our phones then. :)

However I still curious how much free RAM do your Xiaomi left, because that is the main question in this thread.
1343MB free RAM...
Phones are Linux based. Read up on Linux management of RAM vs Windows. Its not what you think at all. Ram may be "used", but can instantly be allocated to where its needed.
Oh it doesn't o_O? I was thinking, more apps running = more battery usage.
Well, I guess it didn't really matter how much RAM left in our phones then. :)

However I still curious how much free RAM do your Xiaomi left, because that is the main question in this thread.
In Android apps in RAM don't run all the time. It depends on the app type. Most time they "sit" and wait for triggering from user actions.
F.g. when you see Google Maps running in RAM it doesnt mean that you have maps open or sth, it means that one or more services run from google maps package - in this example is Google Location Service.

Only active apps consume battery like: Internet browser that is downloading content from network (but thats from Wi-Fi usage) tweeter service that checks for new tweets every 15 mins, facebook that checks new posts, whatsupp that keeps open sessions and more. BUT they consume battery only if they trigger those actions. So even if you have facebook app in memory its still sleeping and waiting for sync with network..

I suggest to not bother ram usage.
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Hm i cant edit my post with Chrome... strange.

But ok..
And in modern devices you wont run out of ram because more important task/app will replace lower priority app in memory. RAM size is important when you want to open a lot of browser tabs or run heavy app... Or run MIUI hehe ;p
Wow, thank you for you guys answer.

I guess MIUI approximately need 700~ MB RAM. So, how can 512 MB RAM phones such as HD2 can run MIUI?
Well it can run but how good? ;p

Rule1: MIUI from Samsung,HTC,SE,Nexus =/= MIUI Nexus,HTC,SE,Samsung

It depends on rom type. Theres difference between each device and its MIUI (aosp based or stock).
Mostly MIUI source based are less ram demanding (except M2) because they have only base android apps and services.
But MIUI for other devices like HTC, SE, Samsung is build via patch_rom and it means that MIUI came from stock rom.
MIUI for S3 or Note 2 is much more ram demanding due to many Samsung apps and services included in rom. The same with HTC.

The HD2 is an exception because its ported from source builded MIUI - from Nexus S. So it will run like Nexus S or similar.
And I dont use MIUI on Nexus S because it has lags and its heavy.

But the rule is like that:
- you cant compare RAM usage on HTC HD2 and e.g M2 or Note 2. M2 has much more features that needs to run in memory like qualcomm services or dolby sound. So MIUI for M2 needs more RAM than HD2.
Ah, I see...

So currently 1 GB of RAM is enough for now?
And, I guess CPU usage is the one we should look then?
Ah, I see...

So currently 1 GB of RAM is enough for now?
And, I guess CPU usage is the one we should look then?
Yes 1GB is minimum. And the best is 2GB. But only few devices have 2GB.
Its because every new device is richer in functions than previous model, thus MIUI will consume more RAM to handle more services, apps.

And yes CPU usage is important. Install any battery stats monitor like Better Battery Stats and you will see which processes puts constant CPU wakes. And more, you can install any CPU monitor like CPU Spy to monitor CPUs states. If CPU doesnt go to deep sleep when screen off then there's something wrong and theres an app that prevents CPU to go to deep sleep thus consume battery.
Knowing that you will find app that causes this behaviour. This is more important to check than less RAM.
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As per my view best way with MIUI is to allow the ROM to work as it is. I am using Samsung Note GT N7000 with 4.8.8 Vengance ROM. things are smooth and works well. Dont download things which are related to play services - can cause the lagness. Also another thing observed is try to avoid clean up - as discussed above there is no point since this is not Windows. :) we are used to cleaning.
I get a decent battery for a day time - 12hrs on a full charge which i believe is decent. Also new phones comes with DDR2 and DDR3 which will help you to get better speed than others older RAM - like the one I have.

Issue will be system starts to lag post 2 days of usage - lag meaning when you close the launcher keeps loading for a while post that if you check free memory it falls to below 90mb which means 90% of usage. Not sure if there is something that can be done.....i do a simple restrat once in two days.