Cant apply new themes - HTC Evo 4G


18 Jan 2011
Update: I did a wipe of my phone and reinstalled the ROM, applied the theme first thing, and its all good now.
I just changed ROMs to MIUI on my EVO yesterday. Today, I tried to change my theme to the EliteProHD, the installation happen correctly, I am then asked to "reboot now" or "reboot later", I choose "reboot now", the phone reboots, but the icons do NOT change, the lock screen does not change, nothing is different. I don't know whats wrong, I tried other themes as well, none of them are working. Yes, I am fully rooted with nand unlocked.

For some reason, I am unable to take screen shots right now, but I will post them once I get home in couple hours.

If you have any helpful information on this, please do leave a response. Thank you.

Downloaded theme from: