Dd-mm-yyyy Date Format


Oct 9, 2016
Good news for me.. now it works.

My Mi Max on 6.10.13
Before updating to this rom, I tried to add some value in build.prop

# date format

# And change the value from en-US to en_GB

But system will always show mm-dd format. After updating the rom, I didn't check the system but went to change straight forward


It was Europe/Berlin. To the point. Now I noticed two things. System language has English(UK) and date format in dd-mm-yyyy. Still if the date format is coded in the theme, it will show according to it but which is not related to theme, then everything comes out dd-mm-yyyy.

Was this change in this rom? Or was it because I changed the value? It's a mystery to me..... And I don't actually care. Anyway good for me.. I was always confused to look at date.... Little thing but happy now...