Fairly Detailed Run-down Of Pros/cons Of Xiaomi.eu Rom Vs Global?

Adam Irvine

29 Dec 2017
Like the title says, for those of us who are new to Xiaomi devices, can someone or a few of you out there please provide a bit of a Pros and Cons (if any) list for flashing the latest stable Xiaomi.EU instead of the official Global ROM?

I have read the basics behind it all, that it's based on the more up to date Chinese stable as a base rom but then 'globalised' with various tweaks and de-bloating but that's the general sales pitch..?

I was hoping there would be more of a device specific write up? I.e. things specific for the Mi6 like it's dual cameras and how they might have improvements over the global rom?

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Global ROM
+ Direct update from the official OEM;
+ Stable and fast ROM;
+ OTA updates;
- GPS fix is slower;
- Translations are not the best.

+ Fast GPS fix;
+ Translations are better and are updated more regularly;
+ Direct support through the forums, directly from the developers;
- You have to wait until the developers update this ROM.

If you are in Europe, especially if English is not your native language, I highly recommend Xiaomi.eu ROMs.
I use the Xiaomi.eu Stable ROMs on my Xiaomi phones, and install it on all my friends's Xiaomi phones.
It is the one I recommend!